Get a consistent iTunes Podcast Feed Url from WordPress like feed.xml so that you easily manage the things yourself on your website and server. We have a good number of podcast related articles and guides, may be side by side these can be useful to the readers – Publish Podcast on iTunes Detailed Guide, Podcast Cover Design Tips, Podcasting Audio and Video; while these are good enough, you might be in an odd situation with an odd web software.
Get Consistent iTunes Podcast Feed Url From WordPress – Get Rid of Other PHP Software
WordPress, definitely neither very nicely coded software nor PHP is an acceptable programing language. You can use Python based script in case you do not love WordPress or any PHP based material :
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There are good number of development in other languages as well, do a thorough search on Github. The basic thing we wanted to solve is – WordPress, by default has no consistent xml feed url. As we need something like :
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Initially we used another pathetic software – Podcast Generator. From web server’s security point of view, it has lot of problems to run on an advanced cloud server setup. These kind of software reduces the productivity. We will recommend to use WordPress for content generation related to podcast. Like you can install WordPress in :
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Now the universal question is about the feed URL. There are plugins like PowerPress (find in the WordPress plugins repo), I believe they give a consistent feed url, check the source code :
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Amit Agarwal did a good job :
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I forked it in Github as gist :
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You can create a php file named like podcast.php
inside your active WordPress theme / Child Theme’s directory. It will act as filter to generate the feed.
Get Consistent iTunes Podcast Feed Url From WordPress – My Manual Method
Basically, we just need to edit the feed xml file to show any change – like new publication. While you can use WordPress to manage the contents (old or new or migration), you can simply edit the file manually. Practically if you open the source code of :
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and copy it, paste in any text editor; after placing contents on your domain; replacing our urls with yours; it will be a valid feed. There are many advantages for this 5 minutes work for “publication”. I do not believe that you can not copy this block and modify and add for a new episode :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | <item> <title>Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server</title> <itunes:subtitle>How to Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server from OS X</itunes:subtitle> <itunes:summary><![CDATA[ Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server (Ubuntu 14.04) from iTerm2 via SSH in easy steps. ]]></itunes:summary> <description>Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server</description> <link></link> <enclosure url="" length="14896993" type="video/quicktime"/> <guid></guid> <itunes:duration>12:58</itunes:duration> <author> (Abhishek Ghosh)</author> <itunes:author>Abhishek Ghosh</itunes:author> <itunes:keywords>WordPress, Rackspace Cloud, Cloud,</itunes:keywords><itunes:explicit>no</itunes:explicit> <pubDate>Thu, 02 May 2014 17:28:00 +0000</pubDate> </item> |
Instead of query urls ?name=2014-05-02_install_wordpress_on_rackspace_cloud_server_(ubuntu_14.04).mov
you can manually use the right path. This is possibly the best method unless you publish podcast eery hour!