Here is a helper video guide to prepare and install WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04 PVHVM on Rackspace Cloud Server With Nginx php5 fpm and MySQL. For developmental setup, you can use one server configuration – you can run Application Server (MySQL) and Web Server Software (Nginx) on the same server. This is a helper video guide corresponding to our previously published guide to Install WordPress with Nginx on Rackspace Cloud Server.
WordPress Nginx php5 fpm Installation on Rackspace Cloud : Some More Things
Basically this is kind of same setup which we have done with Apache2 – Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server (Ubuntu 14.04 PVHVM). One can combine the tutorials (like adding PHPMyAdmin, Webmin etc. extra tools, however without a loadbalancer in front, without multi server setup, it is not recommended to install these tools on production environment). This guide is mainly for learning purpose. We have used a 2 GB server instance as we will get 2 virtual cores and Nginx can do more better with higher core counts. Nginx is light, but that does not mean, you will use an underpowered server.
Additionally, we have pointed towards installing Rackspace Cloud Monitoring Tool and Setting Domain name via Cloud DNS – both services are free from Rackspace.
For Linux, there is the Terminal App and for Mac / OS X; either use the default Terminal App or use iTerm2. We use iTerm2 and the setup described on the linked article.
WordPress Nginx php5 fpm Installation on Rackspace Cloud : Video
Here is the video for you :
Kindly increase the resolution to the maximum. You can easily view the commands on high resolution. This is an edited out video, because our regular readers has been used with using the setup we use.
Basically, there are lot of works needed for this conf file :
1 | /etc/nginx/nginx.conf |
You can set the gzip, set the number of processor cores to optimize the setup. That has not been shown as that part falls among optimizing Nginx. If you are following our tutorials for learning purpose, we recommend to save the server image and delete the server instance to avoid getting too much charged unless you are using the server. Next time, while you will read the optimization part, you simply will need to spin up a 2 GB instance from the saved image – this will save a huge time.