WordPress and Cloud Computing is a good combination to have lot of discussions. WordPress by default is not coded as a scalable Cloud App. The need of Server resources is too higher to run WordPress despite WordPress is definitely the best all in one solution. We talked about Jekyll and OctoPress – many developers, many Cloud Hosting providers are using Jekyll and OctoPress instead of WordPress, which includes Rackspace dev blog. Still, we need to use WordPress for some reason or the other. To run this WordPress as a scalable Cloud App we need to prepare the platform of WordPress a bit differently. There are 3-4 commonly deployed ways how we can make WordPress scalable by virtue of the platform – there are Characteristics For Being a Cloud Application, we WordPress by default can not fulfill.
WordPress and Cloud Computing : Why Running a WordPress Instance on a Single Cloud Server is Not Optimum
WordPress is powered by MySQL database, which is a relational database management system and PHP. The database structure of WordPress is forked from another blogging software named b2 :
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To make WordPress fully scalable by default on Cloud we practically need to code from the scratch. If you read / watch the steps to Install WordPress on Heroku Cloud, you will notice that – it is not MySQL but PostgreSQL. One can immediately feel the faster speed on backend with PostgreSQL. But, with PostgreSQL, there are practical problems to use WordPress. So, we need to think about 3-4 options which basically are the configurations to make the Cloud Computing platform scalable.
WordPress and Cloud Computing : How We Can Make a Scalable Platform for WordPress
In the article on Load Balancer versus HTTP Accelerator on Cloud IaaS, we have described two methods to get a scalable platform – these are primarily horizontal scaling. Another way is to use any PaaS. By default structure they will support scaling.
But, in the above mentioned ways, MySQL database is not made scalable – so for perfect setup; we also need to make master and slave MySQL server and set replication to ON. Content Delivery System (CDN) is always needed to support globally somewhat uniform page loading speed.