We were invited by Pinterest for their Pinterest Promoted Pin product. We are disclosing our formula to get few thousands of repine and favs. First we should thank to Pinterest for their effort. Actually, we talked a lot before about Pinterest covering varied topics – Pinterest Pin It Button for Images for WordPress, Rich Pins Pinterest for WordPress, How Pinterest Turned On the Power of Graphical Illustration for Business, Pinterest is a Big Lesson on Scalability and How To Leverage Your Business Presence with Pinterest.
Pinterest Promoted Pin : Check Our Examples of Non Promoted Pins
Just check our few articles – What Camera Mode to Choose Depending on the Situation, Transfer Printed Digital Photo on Wood, Metal, Glass, Stone in Easy Steps; 50 Tips on Choosing Poses to Get Stunning Portraits.
We gave only few examples, all are naturally promoted (many thanks to the users). If you analyze the articles and the images which were so many times Pinned, Faved, you will discover few points easily :
- The Contents are Unique
- It is a wrong idea that something longer stuff will get more repined. Actually we found the reverse – its normal that works well.
- Unique Graphical representation of the thought – the images tells what the post might have
- No SEO, marketing idea will work – it is fully dependent on sense of graphical work, quality of Photograph etc.
If your Pin is not get properly promoted naturally, it is unlikely they will give a good conversion rate on paid Pinterest Promoted Pin. Practically Pinterest created an Ad niche which is unique and opened a great way of opportunities for the graphical artists, photographers.
Pinterest Promoted Pin : How to Design That Works
We invest at least one hour behind a good Pin that works. We use the top notch software and hardware combination for realizing our idea. First, we create a flow chart of our ideas in plain text format and then use various softwares to realize them. We can predict the possibility of success of one Pin from our old data analysis.
Two important factors you might notice on the three examples – they have unique representation and none tried to deceive about the content. We never used any paid way of promoting Pins before Pinterest Promoted Pin arrived. Pinterest Promoted Pin will definitely help unique content publishers like us.