One Dozen Best and Free Icon Font Library Are Here For You ! We Already Talked on How to Use Icon Font on non HTML and HTML webpages. Not everyone is a regular reader of our website! So, here are bunch of articles on using Icon Font in various ways, for various purpose. Those who already know about the methods, can easy skip the next paragraph and go to the third paragraph.
May Be You Must Read About These Before Looking at Our One Dozen Best and Free Icon Font Library
Icon-Font – Using with WordPress : In this article, we are giving some great idea, resources for using this cool Icon-Font for your WordPress website.
How To Use Any Web Font From Own Hosted Library : Any web font or Icon Font can be hosted on own library. In these days of PRISM, NSA “ we all should be aware about protecting others™ security, safety and privacy. Embedding one closed source javascript on webpage, can not only supply all the information of the visitors, but also can be a point of the server™s security vulnerability.
Use Any Web Font Within WordPress Posts With Inline CSS : Adding a div style in style.css file in WordPress outweighs the loss “ there is no need to carry extra few lines for only one page.
Base64 Encoding and Font CSS : Diet Coke ! No extra graphical load, all images will become data.
Create Own Icon Font From Image Icons : You will get the detailed, laborious article (does not mean the article is bad) on how to create your own icon font.
Colored Tick Mark, Unordered List with Icon-Font : This article on Colored Tick Mark, Unordered List with Icon-Font is intended for HTML5 web pages only. i class will not work in previous version of HTML.
We think, this much list is enough, else we will go a bit outwards from our main topic : One Dozen Best and Free Icon Font Library.
One Dozen Best and Free Icon Font Library
Font Awesome : The iconic font designed for Bootstrap. Almost Open Source License.
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ionicons : The premium icon font for Ionic Framework. They are free to use and licensed under MIT.
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mfglabs-iconset : Awesome web font icon by MFG Labs.
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stackicons : Icon font and Sass-based construction kit for Stackicons-Social, which supports multiple button shapes and a unique “multi-color” option in CSS for over 60 social brands.
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brandico.font : Font with logos of social services & messagers.
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openwebicons : The OpenWeb Icons are a set of icons to show the support for the Open Web!
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typicons.font : 336 pixel perfect, all-purpose vector icons in a web-font kit.
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IcoMoon–limited- : This is a free version of IcoMoon with 450 icons.
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PE-Analog-Clock-icon-font : A set of icons for displaying a visual (“analog”) representation of time stamps.
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Map-Icons : An icon font for use with Google Maps API and Google Places API using SVG markers and icon labels.
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weather-icons : Weather Icons is a font of 92 weather themed icons, ready to be dropped right into Bootstrap or any other project.
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There should be twelve resources ! Count them…