Internet of Things does not mean wearable stuffs – one company might want to sell a glass another a watch, but technology is about science. An average user never need more to know than we have written in the basic article on Internet of Things. How Semantic Web Works is important to understand. Internet of Things frameworks might help support the interaction between the “things” and allow for more complex structures like Distributed computing and the development of Distributed applications. Ergonomics and Human Factors are most important aspects of our daily life, when the point is about usability. MacBook Pro has no touch screen, but without any doubt, Apple is one of the pioneer of gesture based touch devices.
In fact, Apple Magic Mouse is a bent iPhone screen. MacBook Pro is primarily designed for the intensive computer users, professionals as a kind of mobile solution against Mac Pro. MacBook Pro, is really not for all, forget about multiple physical processor powered Mac Pro. Example s given with Apple’s three products as Apple is known to produce better quality, durable products with higher usability. Obviously Apple Inc. is not a charity, they will promote MacBook Pro in a way as if the only usable notebook computer in this World is MacBook Pro. There will be many websites, many bloggers who will promote things which these companies want to sell more. But as an user and consumer, one should evaluate the need – this is every households’ story in any huh GDP country – we ultimately end up with piles of things we do not use any more – a Media Player with 3.5″ screen, few earphones, at least one old desktop which possibly has died. The junks are covered with a decorative terminology. You know it. But the wastage of money is not calculated, why only money; we possibly have invested time behind them too.
Internet of Things Does Not Mean Wearable Stuffs : It is More About Protocols and Standards
Human“computer Interaction is the basics. Basically to sell stuffs; these companies are pushing the mass towards the dreams of Sci-Fi movies – we are dreaming as if we are a Cyborg or Transhumanism.
“There™s simply no way to forecast how these immense powers — disproportionately accumulating in the hands of corporations seeking financial advantage and governments craving ever more control — will be used. Chances are Big Data and the Internet of Things will make it harder for us to control our own lives, as we grow increasingly transparent to powerful corporations and government institutions that are becoming more opaque to us.”
— American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Cloud Based Mobile App for Keyless Entry can be a practical stuff – it makes the distant, hard to control things within our reach, not compromising with the ergonomics. SixthSense by Pranab Mistri is one of the most turning point for the good usage of Augmented Reality.