Make WordPress Scalable By Creating Different Nodes Composed of Servers Running Only Apache2. You Can Simply use wget and use loadbalancers. People in general ask for Converting HTML to Websites WordPress or PHP Websites to WordPress Without Any Change in URL. The basic reason is nothing – WordPress actually offers the versatility of having a good HTML output plus few PHP based functions.
Actually we said about the idea before – we can, indeed serve a full HTML Website generated by WordPress from Cloud Files. Practical thing :
1 2 3 4 5 | |___Main WordPress Server (unique IP) [Open and Close Port according to need or | +---Server 1 (unique IP) holding all HTML pages |} Load Balancer (unique IP) ==> Your fast website +---Server 2 (unique IP) holding all HTML pages and synced via some server side software |
Actually, people who are using Jekyll and OctoPress on Free Cloud Platforms are doing the work in too much laborious way, if they convert to WordPress. When you’ll publish the post, make the two servers behind load balancers serving HTML pages inactive and add the real WordPress website as only one server behind the load balancer. So, when you will publish the post; the real WordPress will Ping with its PHP functions. Again you’ll update (copy the newly generated HTML pages) the HTML pages and make the real WordPress node inactive. Server 2 is optional, you can actually use only one server. You can apply this method more easily if the WordPress is installed on a Subdomain. Only CNAME record will be required, no load balancers – although load balancers will do huge HTTP Caching. The algorithm of load balancers should be set to Round Robin when one server will be used. We assume, the reader should read :
- Load Balancing, Scalability, and Redundancy
- Round Robin Scheduling and Disambiguation of Round Robin
- Load Balancing Explained
- Round-trip delay time (RTD) Details
So, this is the basics of how we can Make WordPress Scalable – insanely faster loading because there is no PHP, MySQL.
Make WordPress Scalable : The Ways WordPress Frontend can be Copied from Server to Server
wget – Downloading or Cloning a Full Website in OS X and Linux with wget. Instead of Mac, Server 1 (or even Server 2) is/are the “Mac” in our case. wget has the advantage of scripting, scheduling, updating the new etc. We think, you should create a JSON or XML based widget for fetching “recently posted” things for us! Well, if such JSON or XML based widget for fetching “recently posted” things are realized; category also will not require update. We personally dislike using any such “non-static” way though.
Another way is to use a dangerous software named HTTRACK, the prime use probably is not fair – to frankly copy anyone’s website, here the official webpage :
1 | |
On Ubuntu, this is known as Package webhttrack. You can see the manual page :
1 | |
The answer to the Pretty URL is easy. The pages will be under folders on root with an index.html page (will vary according to the method, W3 Total Cache actually use these methods…you can check your cache folder on FTP). .htaccess file should differ on these mirror sites :
1 2 3 4 5 | # remove php/html extension RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /index.(php|html)[s/?] [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/where/ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*?)index.(?:php|html)(.*)$ $1$2 [R=301,NE,L] # notice the where and change it |
PHP is added for safety. There might be ugly URLs generated by some Plugins – for that we added PHP part too. Comment form is not needed these days – you should ask to react on Social Networks, not on site; it saves a huge computing power, make the webpage more relevant to the bots. Actually Google bots will understand that you are static HTML files, possibly your Page Rank will increase. You always have the way to switch off – its not anything permanent! Comment Page must be a custom one – you should use somer system which has no PHP function.
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