Dublin Core in HTML5 often throws error when we use a known WordPress plugin. Here is about the Standards and also a new WordPress Plugin. The normally used standard tool to test our webpages for validation is W3 Markup Validation Service, which is almost the standard tool, yet, there are more harder tools which are more difficult to pass. We are not talking Dublin Core as anything new topic. There are peoples like us who are supporting Dublin Core initiative since many years, the best proof on this website will be to check our post on Dublin Core published back in 2011. You can read about Rich Snippets for WordPress to understand the very basic things and this article on Rich Snippets and Organization of Schemas. Pinterest and others can parse Dublin Core in HTML5, faster than other Microformat. Actually we need these stuffs for the sake of Semantic Web.
Why Dublin Core in HTML5 Throws Errors in W3 Markup Validation Service?
HTML5 is really not fully matured now to use for regular websites; it is in draft version, specially for the CMS including blogging software WordPress which are driven by PHP and MySQL. Both or may be the combination, unfortunately are not great. There are many old programmers who know Perl well, get quite angry with the current progress of PHP. Rendering itself can add stuffs enough to make the page marked with red or the “Plugin Developers” never update the Plugin.
It will probably better to read about HTML5 Vocabularies, unless the basics are clear to the reader. The typical way we implement Dubin Core with HTML5 is not right, that actually is / was for previous versions of HTML / xHTML, we should parse as RDF when specially that schema.org markups, OGP etc. hundreds of stuffs are used :
1 2 3 4 | # Official Link http://dublincore.org/documents/dc-html/ # Standard Link to understand the thing http://www.w3schools.com/webservices/ws_rdf_dublin.asp |
Woo Rank has issues with this implementation though :
1 | http://blog.woorank.com/2013/04/dublin-core-metadata-for-seo-and-usability/ |
So How This Dublin Core in HTML5 Can Be Implemented?
W3 Markup Validation Service actually refers to these Wikis :
1 2 | http://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values#HTML5_link_type_extensions http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/semantics.html#other-metadata-names |
These are written in a way which is impossible to get the meaning out by a regular user. Here are the latest terms :
1 | http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/MetaExtensions |
You need to search with :
1 | dcterms |
on your browser’s Find tool to get the new Dublin Core stuffs. However, they might also throw error mainly because of the PHP and MySQL combination’s output. This is a great WordPress plugin which probably will solve your issues :
1 | https://github.com/JoostKiens/dc-meta-tags |
We hope, now you will be happy with the topic on Dublin Core in HTML5 for WordPress. Just to give you an assurance, these Errors has no practical serious value on usability. You need not to do a huge research to fix them. Google bots probably do not read the things they do not understand. Validation by W3 Markup Validation Service or others is only for the parts which Google bots will read. In a round about way (as it sounds bad to declare – we are incapable and never will be capable), that is why HTML5 and Schema.org stuffs are pushed. That is to directly read the sections marked as the content.
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