Among the worrying factors in various profitable business for the companies, Security in the Cloud has been one of the major headache related to any web related matter. Security in the Cloud, Cloud Security, Privacy in the Cloud, Data Privacy has always been of much importance in TheCustomizeWindows, many articles, guides, related has been published related to the respective topics.
Various reports analysis of recent time, seems to show up the biggest anxieties related to the cloud to be Security. Like we published before, business owners are tending towards Hybrid Solutions to seek more security.
Security in the Cloud is the Next Real Business : The Growing Hybrid Cloud Market
The biggest challenge to be faced over the next two years is the unexpected concerns about the security issues. Not surprisingly, overt 60% of the users (from various data), are willing to pay an extra 25% on the average cost of services, in exchange for certain guarantees of security. Hosting is now the standard for reliable implementations in the cloud and the customers want to pay a premium to have more assurance.
As far for the growing hybrid cloud solutions, various report indicates that 51% of nearly 2000 companies surveyed belonging to different sectors such as high finance, government, healthcare, manufacturing, etc.has prepared for a hybrid solution, 45% is going to conclude the initial entry into the cloud, and 30% have a formal strategy dedicated to cloud computing.
The hybrid cloud is intended to overcome the issues related to Security in the Cloud. The biggest question becomes, who will become the major player in IaaS Cloud, Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Sectors in the coming years.
Security in the Cloud is Crucial For Real Business
In the time, we are fully aware of data theft by various agencies – either in a kind of legal form by collecting information by various Governmental Agencies to real hackers; the number of dependable providers, seems to be very less in number. This is definitely another concern, as we know quite well, overloading and monopoly is always dangerous for the end users.