Building iOS7 Apps can be made a bit easier if you use Framework7. It requires Grunt as Js and LESS for CSS compilations. As for developing iOS Apps, including iOS7 Apps goes; we will suggest to read our previous articles like Creating an iOS App for Your Self Hosted WordPress, Creating RESTful API for Your Self Hosted iOS App,CocoaPods and iOS App Development and How To Start Developing iOS Apps. We love CocoaRestClient very much not only for developing iOS Apps but also for testing any RESTful API.
With this small introduction, we will introduce you to Framework7 and provide the minimum commands to get started, which is a HTML5 Framework for building iOS7 apps. Also, some interesting iOS hacks will be discussed.
Get Started With Framework7 : A HTML5 Framework For Building iOS7 Apps
See it in action first :
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As you can understand from the repo :
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You will need to install Node.js and nom for the localhost development. If you are a new developer, you should start from iTerm2, Homebrew and ZSH Installation guide on OS X.
HTML5 Framework For Building iOS7 Apps : Other Free Stuffs Which Will Make You Happy!
Paper? Do you like Facebook Paper?
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See this :
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It will work fine on OSX Safari. Here is the repository plus Shimmer :
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