Here is a list of PaaS providers along-with their type of services including whether they have fully free kind of unlimited usage tier. Previously, we explained about Platform as a Service (PaaS) as a textual guide as well was presented PaaS in explanatory video – What is PaaS (Platform as a Service). Giving a big list or publishing something with a catchy title – Top 20 Cloud PaaS Providers or something like that has not much real value, why we are explaining. Before we give you a kind of list of providers, you need to know many points, indeed.
Our Selection Criterion for Being Included in List of PaaS Providers
Throwing a List of PaaS Providers will not make much value in long term, you can actually find such hundreds of webpages on Google Search. It is good that the common peoples are becoming aware of security, PRISM like spyware activities are now fully known to the public, First you need to know about the Cloud Computing Service Models. First thing is that, PaaS is not exactly like a cPanel webhosting.
PaaS services usually has a free tier of usage simply because it is intended for the developers. PaaS came with offers but no standards “ initially the big providers presented strategies for Platform as a Service. There are reasons to use PaaS as well as shortcomings.
So, we basically applied many filters to publish this list of PaaS providers. Non-flexible PaaS like Google App Engine are excluded – they can not run any thing or most of things we need. There is no meaning of learning a fully new thing for the sake of usage of the free tier of PaaS.
List of PaaS Providers
So, here is a short list of PaaS providers, which are flexible to use with some knowledge of Git. You can search with the name of the services in Google search and you will get the official websites.
- RedHat OpenShift – Most flexible, easy to use and updated.
- Heroku Cloud – Second good PaaS, quite older and lot of tutorial cum hacks are available.
- AppFog – Third good PaaS, technically it came before OpenShift with a logically understandable GUI.
- Engine Yard – Better than the others not in the list.
- IBM PaaS – Newly launched and in Beta, we think it will be good for normal usage.
Probably there are 15 known PaaS providers, however, the first 3 are most commonly used and stable.
Tagged With list of PaaS Providers , list of paas , paas free tier , paas provider list australia , paas providers list