Podcast is Not Playing on iTunes – a good guide to check the points which people usually do the wrong and end up in forcing the viewer to download podcast. Previously we wrote a good number of articles on Apple Podcast. In fact, we also had the issue of Podcast is not playing on iTunes, if you are not aware of our Pocast Chanel, you can click here to view on webbrowser. The link we provided will not force to open iTunes on click. That is a Webpage. You can subscribe if you want.
Let us come back to the topic – Podcast is not Playing on iTunes. Actually, there are many points to check, for the full newbies, the below subheader is written with old links to check whether the setup is optimal. On the second subheader, we have provided a diagram and explained how to fix the Podcast is not playing on iTunes.
Podcast is Not Playing on iTunes : What Kind of Setup You Have?
Not really a huge number of People actually have good Podcast. There are bloggers who directly ports YouTube Video to Apple Podcast. Few important video can be ported, but if all videos are ported, it can create some issues. On the current topic, Podcast is Not Playing on iTunes; it can have importance – if you download the MP4 file from yoAppleur YouTube channel, it might refuse to properly play as streaming media. Anyway, these are important older guides for Podcat setup :
Apple has to FAQ pages (for Audience & Creators, respectively), we providing one of them :
1 | http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/creatorfaq.html |
In this article, details on Podcasting was discussed for the setup, submission part. We separately wrote about managing and delivering Podcast Audio and Video From WordPress. Podcast equipments, such as various types of microphones microphones were also discussed for great sound recording. Briefly we wrote about Podcast Cover designing.
We talked about installing Podcast Generator, as we do not like to use some WordPress Plugin to generate Podcast. Last but not the least – we talked about how to fix Podcast Feed which is not showing up in iTunes store.
Fix Podcast is Not Playing on iTunes
Not everyone including the creator is using Long Term Evolution (LTE) or 4G Connection or even a 3G Connection. By reading this paragraph, you are accepting the fact – you have already ready read at least few linked article and checked your own settings. Do not ask us to solve issue with GreenBerry or kind of same named WordPress plugin issues. We will only talk about Podcast Generator free software.
The basic problem is that, you need to think about your audience – ask your friends to check the iTunes using various devices. You can read the FAQ here :
1 | http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2729?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US |
Practically, Apple indirectly said to Subscribe in order to view if video is not playing. You might think to slim down the video. But most do a biggest mistake – by delivering Video Podcasts from own server. Apple Store/ iTunes Store Cache them, but possibly the original streaming is checked or played. For streaming Video Podcast, you must use a good CDN (like Akamai, Rackspace Cloud Files etc.), upload the video in CDN and Edit the RSS feed of Podcast Generator to replace with the Streaming URL. Practically you have to upload using Cyber Duck and get the Streaming URL in this way we described for other purpose.
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