How to Flash Apple MacBook Superdrive to Make Region Restriction Free With Patched Firmware. Sometimes the Patch Fixes the Continuously Rejecting Disks. In this How to Flash Apple MacBook Superdrive Guide, We have given example here with MatshitaDVD-R UJ-8A8 Firmware version HB13 and HB14. The Method Will be Same For All Firmware Version.
How to Flash Apple MacBook Superdrive : Basics to Know
This guide How to Flash Apple MacBook Superdrive is frankly for the advanced users. This can be a dangerous work without knowing everything to some extent and must be done carefully after understanding. First know what is What is firmware of hardware. It is good if you can read this article – Basics to Flash ROM of Mobile, PMP, Tablets. When we Flash, we usually do these things :
- Get a Backup/Dump of the Currently Working Firmware
- Download a Factory Default Firmware
- Usually 1 and 2 are the same, but can have differences
- Download a Software to Flush Firmware
- Download a Patched Firmware
We have included all the needed components for MatshitaDVD-R UJ-8A8 Firmware version HB13 and HB14 in a Zip file which can be downloaded from here. So, in case your SuperDrive is not either MatshitaDVD-R UJ-8A8 Firmware version HB13 or MatshitaDVD-R UJ-8A8 Firmware version HB14, you will need to separately find them, the best place; where from we bundled them is here :
1 | |
We are distributing the things as-is. We have not developed them or has any copyright on them. After, downloading and unzipping, you will find these inside :
- matshita_mem_dump software (does not work now, unfortunately)
- DVD Info X software – Tool to check Patching
- MatshitaFlasher0.6 – Flashing Software
- MatshitaDVD-R UJ-8A8 Firmware version HB13 – Original and Patched
- MatshitaDVD-R UJ-8A8 Firmware version HB14 – Original and Patched
How to Flash Apple MacBook Superdrive : Steps
Basically the Flashing software, memory dump tools are for PowerPC, not our Intel Processor based Macs. But, at command line, the Flashing software works. You must know the Drive’s name and Firmware version, that is actually possible to know from System Report (Apple Logo –> About This Mac –> More Info –> System Info….so on). Plus, DVD Info X software will give you some data. Here is an Infographics like Flowchart :
So, first, you will right click on the MatshitaFlasher 0.6 icon and Click Select the “Show Package Content Option”. You will go to the Resources Folder, where there is a file named simple_flash. Right Click and open it on Terminal. It will return :
1 | usage: /Users/username/Desktop/MatshitaFlasher |
Close that Terminal Window. Practically, the Terminal App will be on Dock, click it to Open. I avoided opening Terminal. Shortcut way plus it is checked that simple_flash or rather MatshitaFlasher 0.6 is working fine on OS X Mavericks.
As we are using Mavericks, make the MatshitaFlasher 0.6 folder at that location (/Users/abhishekghosh/Desktop/MatshitaFlasher for me) and hit Command and T to get a new Window. In the new Window, locate the patched Firmware (will have RC1 labeled as part of name) and drag it to /MatshitaFlasher (another opened window). So, simple_flush and that patched file are in the same location. This is for running easy command.
Now Open the Terminal Window from dock, change directory in this way :
1 | cd /Users/abhishekghosh/Desktop/MatshitaFlasher |
Your location will be different but, notice that :
1 | MatshitaFlasher |
Can you see that after MatshitaFlasher ? This is because, when you uncompressed, a space was added. There are many blogs running fine making the visitors mad, not understanding why the hell MatshitaFlasher tool is returning No Such Directory output! The location is wrong as the writer has no knowledge about notation to avoid the issue with space. It is quite basic command.
Now, if you run this command :
1 | ./simple_flash 0 MATSHITADVD-R___UJ-8A8__HA13_RPC1.dat |
The flasher will run, asking you to either run or quit. Press y (without holding shift or without caps lock on) and hit the return key. It will definitely Flush after few seconds.
Few Practical things :
- You need to reboot and run DVD Info X software to check the status
- Do not forget to quit DVD Info X software before running the Flusher, you will get error
- HA13 definitely works, because we tested
- Revert to default with the supplied Factory Default Firmware and delete all these files, better the surfing history on browser, if you visit AppleCare for claiming warranty. As I way always say (and works), do not perform overacting, but appear as if you are a noob. Flushing voids the warranty. Never Admit or keep evidence if you claim warranty.