Water Drop Photography is Explained for Static Droplets Like We Normally Face Dew Drops, Rain Drops on Leaves, Flowers and other surfaces. Possibly, it would be better if we classify types of Water Drop Photography at the beginning, instead of this Title – Water Drop Photography – Techniques for Static Droplet. But, from the Title, it is possibly clear, what we want to express. We do not think there are much said about Types of Water Drop Photography elsewhere before. There are lot of Physics to know for Water Drop Photography, apart from those required for Photography, which usually are related to Optics.
Water Drop Photography : What is Special About Static Water Drop
Playing with Artificial Water Drop
Water Drop Photography for Static Droplets or Drops Requires a bit knowledge about Fluid Physics. As because we can emulate or rather can artificially compose an excellent Photography, it is better to know something about Viscosity and Dynamics of Fluid.
The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress. For liquids, it corresponds to the informal notion of “thickness”. For example, honey has a higher viscosity than water.
The dynamic (shear) viscosity of a fluid expresses its resistance to shearing flows, where adjacent layers move parallel to each other with different speeds.
Water, per se is not really ideal for artificial scene composition. Excellent water like drops can be created by water-glycerin mixture. The viscosity of the mixture will increase. Also, the temperature to get water evaporated would be get higher up. As a bonus, we will get Water Drop Refraction effect. Basically when we are placing a subject behind a drop of water and using camera to capture the drop, part of composition is refracted subject inside the drop.
Lot of theories. So, what should be the ideal ratio for water-glycerin mixture our normal work? 1:1 means equal amount of both fluids in pure form, it is too viscus, that is – it is too thick to normally work with. But, if you add props like Colored Metallic Flake Dusts, which are used for decoration purposes as like powder. In India, they quite commonly used, the practical name will be different from country to country.
A Burette (do a search on Google if you do not know what it is) and a Stand for Burette are enough to have any kind of drop effect. When we are talking about Static Water Drop Photography, a simple dropper is enough. We use Burette for precise titration, if you are used with titration in lab, it will be easier for you to handle the fluids. Use a Glass titration and clean as we do in lab for keeping it clean.
Playing with Natural Water Drop
Natural water drop are usually either dew or rain drop and are more viscus than plain purified water (that is why they looks great and dreamy). Practically there is no difference between Natural Water Drop and Artificial Water Drop, except the composition and location.
Water Drop Photography : Ideas
A huge idea can run with Static Water Drop Photography than a Spillage or drop in motion. In the infographics, we have presented you some innovative idea with Static Water Drop Photography. If you spill your experimental fluid on cobweb, obviously they can look absolutely natural. Tripod, IR Remote Control are suggested accessories.
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