ReactOS on VirtualBox Mac OS X or Linux works like Free Windows OS which allows the user to use any Microsoft Windows Application fully Free of Cost.
Here is Full Guide. Previously we wrote about ReactOS in brief. ReactOS is fully legal, Free Operating System that comes under GNU GPL 3.0. Unlike Microsoft Windows, it is not a closed source software and fully free. On Mac or Linux, you might need to run Microsoft Windows for Certain Applications. With ReactOS and VirtualBox – the whole thing becoming Free.
ReactOS is a BSD like Operating System. The current Progress of ReactOS Project has given an OS equivalent to Microsoft Windows 2000 in look. Obviously, the project is less known, they have less funding and who are active on Linux or BSD projects usually are not interested about Windows like OS. So, the progress is slower. Keep in mind – ReactOS is immune for trojans but Virus, Malware can attack like Microsoft Windows. You must take precaution about Virus, Malwares. We know that it is a burden to buy Microsoft Windows, it is highly costly Operating System. ReactOS is also developing a commercial version for Cloud Computing named Thorium OS.
Like Linux or BSD or OS X, there is option for Wine to run Applications.
You can read about ReactOS on Wikipedia :
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ReactOS on VirtualBox : Basics
For our purpose, we will run this Free Windows Like OS named ReactOS on Mac, OS X 10.9.1. For non Mac computers, you will require a Processor that at least has support for virtualization. Minimum 4 GB Physical RAM is recommended for Mac, 2 GB is sufficient for any Linux or BSD. ReactOS will require less RAM than Microsoft Windows.
We have no direct or indirect relationship with ReactOS project.
It will be easy to work on Server for IaaS – it is free and most importantly, the source code is open and the Server Companies has lesser risk of getting trojan, malwares etc. ReactOS also throws Blue Screen of Death like Microsoft Windows!
Download the ISO from here :
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It is only ~70 MB. Unzip it. You can also build ISO from binary. We tested the ready made ISO, it is quite great for our purpose.
Obviously, you must have VirtualBox installed. That is also Free.
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Working With Free Windows Like OS ReactOS on OS X with VirtualBox
You need to create a Virtual Hard Disk and install ReactOS to Run. This is the only point you need to know. Others points we have shown on the video Guide.
You can delete all the files after the usage.
Tagged With run reactos in virtual box , reactos virtualbox , ReactOS , reactos virtualbox guide , reactos on virtualbox , reactos minimum system requirements , reactos mac , react os , mac reactos , Is react OS compatiabile to MAC X OS