How To Upload Files to deviantArt Cloud Storage via FTP is a question frequently asked by the deviantArt Premium members. Uploading Files to is quite easy if you follow our Video Guide and Explanation.
How To Upload Files to deviantArt : Requirements
I order to work with, that is to coming to answer to the question How To Upload Files to deviantArt, you must fulfill the following criterions :
- Must have a deviantArt Premium Account
- Must have a FTP software installed (there are many, most are free; WinSCP is good for Windows, there is a ported version for Mac; FileZilla is possibly mostly used for all OS – Mac, Linux and Windows. However, the interface of WinSCP is easy to use. FileZilla is powerful to take backup of websites, the missed files are automatically queued )
How To Upload Files to deviantArt is a Cloud Storage and is controlled via API to give access via DeviantArt account (or App). You can not use it as a web host, in that sense (up to the point we have discovered yet). So, only you can upload the files you normally do on deviantArt. Here is a video on How To Upload Files to deviantArt for the beginners :
Your needed-ed details are :
- username : your deviantArt username
- password : your deviantArt password
- server :
- mode : ftp (not SFTP)
We deliberately have not used too complex terminologies or linked to our important articles. Please keep in mind that anything added to your is not automatically posted to your deviantART gallery. Your will only store like Private Cloud.
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