Best Podcast Equipment for Great Sound Recording – So far, you will go through the articles publishers are full of Affiliate links. No affiliate links on our articles and we have talked about the Pricing, Technical and Practical Aspects. First, note that; we are practically writing for Mac Pro and MacBook Pro Owners only – it fully chops out the headache of Hardware part but adds another headache – if the low cost microphone is bad, Apple Care will turn out to be Apple Do Not Care. We always are suggesting to buy only the products and/or products of those companies those are sold on Official Online Apple Store. It is quite normal that they have tested it to perform optimally on Mac. Mac Pro and MacBook Pro, for normal good quality podcasting, will never require external sound processing – on board is more than enough – the port supports Fiber Optic cables (looks like innocent ordinary 3.5 mm hole).
Best Podcast Equipment for Great Sound Recording : Those Who Have Lesser Money But an EarPod
Apple EarPod, basically has a quite advanced Micropone inside. We can not do well with the undulating microphone plus, position of the mouth never becomes optimal – that is why it is not good for the majority of the users. Well, DIY ideas definitely coming to your mind, we will write about them later, but give us the chance to link towards the articles where there is good information, for the sake of technology :
- Microphone : Technical Details and Setup
- Feel The Sound on MacBook Pro
- Sound Forge Pro Mac : Review and Guide For Audiophiles
- Guitar Amplifiers Explained
What we want to tell you – if your target is only creating Podcasts, Videos etc. vocal only and you have a newer Apple EarPod, no extra stuffs is absolutely required. You have to create your surroundings more helpful to get the best out of it. Indeed, the Microphone on MacBook Pro is also quite great, do not ignore it. Apart from Garageband and hardly Sony Sound Forge Pro, you do not need any extra software.
Best Podcast Equipment for Great Sound Recording : Those Who Need High End Setup
AMP is not required for plain vocal on Mac, the sound processor is great enough. But for high end studio setup, a good microphone with all the accessories are usually required, obviously; with increasing instruments, the setup becomes complex. Mac Pro and Mac Book Pro are designed for studio class mixing works. From Apple Store, you will get the idea; which brands are better, like a Belkin product might cost more versus a Made in China (the problem is with the Generic less known brands due to lack of quality control, obviously on that country MBP is also manufactured) product, but probably the USB Plug from Belkin is safer – it is not wise to blow up the Mac that costs like bomb to save 100 USD. 100 USD is not small money, at all; actually we try to save, so there is enough chance to end up buying a potentially dangerous hardware – that is why we are pointing towards Apple Earpod for those who are on Budget. Apple Earpod, actually cost a bomb too, in minuscule form. Because the things inside is minuscule of a highest possible Studio Microphone.
Blue Microphones Yeti Mic costs less – you can see it on Apple Store :
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Blue Microphones Snowball Microphone costs the least but obviously will be far better than ‘default’ Apple Earpod’s microphone – costs around 70 USD. The advantage is that, it has the stand. For high end setup, the stand, shock mount, Filter etc. adds up a good on the final price. You will notice that, our saying do not differ much from Mac Observer’s :
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If you setup the surroundings properly, with that 70 USD Microphone; enough can be produced. Well, if you are a male with a non-modulated voice (please do not get angry!) or NOT Practicing enough to learn (use earphone/headphone with feedback ON on Garageband) “how to speak professionally”, why 300 USD, you can buy a 3000 USD setup – Mickey Mouse will get a Tiger like growls for adding AMP. Actually it is not Microphone, even to 50%, it is the God gifted voice that matters the most – that is why Micheal Jackson is MJ or a Homeless who sings at street sounds grand than your rich neighbor’s daughter. When it is felt that there is need of up-gradation from that 70 USD Microphone, from your popularity you will earn enough to buy a higher setup. Best Podcast Equipment for Great Sound Recording Needs the Best Person Behind.
Tagged With buy apple earpod OEM , buy apple earpod online , best digital recorders for podcasts
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