IRC Clients for OS X can be divided in to two broad categories – Free Software and Non-Free Software. Among the Non-Free Softwares there are paid softwares. Free Software here means the softwares which has GNU GPL 3.0 or compatible License. We are mainly interested about there Free IRC Clients for OS X.
IRC Clients for OS X : Required Minimum Introduction
You possibly has came to this webpage to find the best IRC Clients for OS X, not to read a big lecture note on IRC Chat Clients! So, just one sentence more – if you want to know about IRC then you can read this article on Internet Relay Chat or IRC Details. Internet Relay Chat or IRC is still used in software development and other projects including DMOZ, WordPress core development, Linux development etc. In case of DMOZ, this is closed, but in case of Open Source compatible projects, they are public and the IRC Log is also available. IRC, by any means, is not outdated.
IRC Clients for OS X
Opera browser by default supports IRC. But we are mainly seeking for Free IRC Clients for OS X, so free will go first. LimeChat is an excellent minimalistic App, is Free Software, iPhone and iPad Apps are also available. This is their GitHub repository :
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Ready made is available here :
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Colloquy is an advanced IRC client :
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It also provides an iPhone app of the same name. Irssi is another nice IRC Client for OS X :
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Adium is a Chat Client for multiple Purpose and source code is available too :
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Smuxi is another IRC Client for OS X :
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Now, if you want a Paid IRC Clients for OS X, you can take two routes – One is searching on Apple Store and Second is to Donate something to the Developers for a paid support for the above softwares (if they has such facility). The Free Softwares are more than enough for normal usage.
Tagged With os x irc client