Photo gallery hosting can be Free or nearly Free with various Cloud based and Free Softwares. It is possible to run a website that has your photos with no cost. The ways are practically written before, we are mentioning some with some links towards our old tutorials. Free Photo gallery hosting – the phrase itself is quite inviting and today, it is really possible to have without any marketing gimmick at all.
Photo gallery hosting : Fully Free Options
Fully free photo gallery hosting can be divided in to two main divisions :
- PaaS based Hosting
- Cloud Storage based hosting
A typical Photo Gallery needs only HTML, Javascripts, CSS and Images to be hosted. So, Cloud Storage based hosting will normally do great work for you. Our previous guides like Twitter Bootstrap Design Website on Free Dropbox Cloud and Tools for Using Dropbox Cloud for Web Hosting Easily are good tutorials for this purpose.
For PaaS based hosting, you can use RedHat OpenShift, Heroku Cloud, App Fog etc. You can directly create a PHP App and serve the files or can install WordPress on them. Search our website (notice the search box) with your intended way. There are all kind of guides. Only issue is that, you will have a bigger domain name, you can use dot co dot nr free domain to make them smaller. The cost is, however fully zero.
Photo Gallery Hosting : Nearly Free Practical Options
Apart from using OpenShift or Heroku Cloud or App Fog, you can use Rackspace Cloud Sites – Serving Full HTML Website From Rackspace Cloud Files CDN. We are taking that, you will register a domain. The total cost is practically next to nothing in all cases. The cost-benefit ratio is not bad as far you do not need a professional setup.
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