Use of Cloud Computing in Small Business is important from the aspect of economy – in contrast to large firms, small firms often have little financial reserve. According to numerous media reports, cloud computing will revolutionize the PC and Internet usage in the coming years in the private and business environment. Often we read about the considerable advantages of the new approach through the use of Cloud Computing in Small Business and the enormous economic potentials from it, which are directly or indirectly said to be caused by the cloud model, especially for the small and medium businesses. In addition to the expected lower cost compared to an in-house solution, the resulting competitive advantage through technological advantage for SMEs as one of the reasons to show cloud computing as potential inventory.
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But in addition to the enthusiasm for the new approach, also warning voices are loud and still Cloud Computing has existing risks and vulnerabilities as with the previous models, specially in ASP or SaaS way. With these given contradictory statements, many managers certainly find hard to keep track on what is trend and what to do. The most extensive media coverage is on cloud computing, especially in view of the enormous competition in some sectors may increase the pressure to innovate in business and thus lead to hasty decisions. This raises the question of whether the transition to the cloud model can actually lead to the competitive advantages.
Thus, the objective of this article is giving the view of the questions like what is meant by the word cloud computing and how much potential for small businesses actually exists. Along the way, opportunities and risks of cloud computing were discussed before, taking into account the cost-benefit comparison previously revealed, the evaluation can be done by any educated person – no understanding of technology will be required. All relevant links has been given as separate paragraph.
In the next phase, the organizational requirements of the company for the cloud applications are to be worn together and clarified own self by the company for the specific cloud-use. These findings will provide an outlook on the future of cloud computing for the SMEs and monetary loss can be prevented.
Use of Cloud Computing in Small Business : Abbreviations Used
ASP : Application Service Provider
CRM : Customer Relationship Management
IaaS : Infrastructure as a Service
ISP : Internet Service Providers
IT : Information Technology
SMEs : Small and Medium Enterprises
LAN : Local Area Network
PaaS : Platform as a service
RZ : Data center
SaaS : Software-as-a-Service
SLA : Service Level Agreement
SOA : Service-Oriented Architecture
TCO : Total Cost of Ownership
WAN : Wide Area Network
Use of Cloud Computing in Small Business : Citations and References
- Cloud Computing Benefits for Small Business : Cloud Computing Benefits for Small Business are not that focused than the providers do to show advantages for the Enterprises. Strategy can make ROI more and that is the reason why this article is published with the title Cloud Computing Benefits for Small Business.
- Strategic Requirements for Including Cloud computing for Small Businesses : Opportunities and risks of Cloud Computing for Small Business can be calculated and the calculation supports the decision for or against the cloud model.
- Cloud Computing for Small Business – Strategies for Benefit : Cloud Computing for Small Business needs some specific strategies to get the maximum return of investment. Previously we posted somewhat closer topics like how Cloud Computing is opening the opportunities at a lesser cost.
- Cloud Computing for SMBs : Cloud Computing for SMBs can empower the full IT department avoiding the one time investment and recurring costs at the same quality like that of enterprise.
- Use the Power of Cloud Computing : Business Cloud Computing means Return of Investment. You can either power your business with Cloud or use Cloud Computing for a new Business itself.
- Cloud Computing in Detail : What is Cloud Computing has been Explained.
- Cloud Computing Service Models : Cloud Computing Service Models and Deployment of Cloud Models is one hand is quite interesting and on the other hand is very useful to know to reduce the cost . There are SaaS, PaaS and IaaS.
Use of Cloud Computing in Small Business : Applications
The above articles are important to read. The open networking opportunities in cloud computing is ideally suited to exploit the potential of modern industrial and organizational forms, such as when working in partnerships and corporate boundaries and locations. But, actually the use of Cloud Computing in Small Business is fully dependent on understanding the aspect of offered services – which has been discussed above.
The use of mobile workers and the resulting flexibility in the workplace and activities are further examples on the way to reduce costs and the positive social impact of such models. However, the range of available cloud services, which may also be suitable for companies, are not as wide and mature to represent all the requirements of hardware and software used today. On the other hand, it is the fact that the degree of standardization of internal processes and business applications represent another important aspect for its suitability in the cloud.
A classic example of the possible use of cloud for SMEs are already known from the consumer sector and e-services. Furthermore, providers are already developing commercial ERP software solutions, as exemplified in the new SAP-based fixed price application for the cloud application specifically for the SMEs. Next, under the SaaS providers, there is recruiting services, many are a leading provider of application management.
To the small businesses and recruiters, the cloud market offers cloud so-called “business mashups”, which can be used to assist the project.