Outgoing Link Tracking with Google Analytics is quite easy to setup both with the traditional or the asynchronous code. You can track outgoing certain link. We published lot of articles on Google Analytics, although Google Analytics itself has changed a lot, definitely the basics of these articles are quite important. Whatever Google officially tells, the evergreen facts of Outgoing links and SEO is still true today. Sometimes we need relevant, fully good outgoing link tracking system – Google Analytics itself has such system.
Outgoing Link Tracking with Google Analytics : Understanding the Basics
Outgoing Link Tracking with Google Analytics is possible with the Event Tracking method in the new asynchronous ga.js tracking code that enables the webmaster to record user interaction with website elements. Event Tracking data model has some components which map directly to elements in the Analytics Reports interface.
Note : Do Not Use anyone’s WordPress Plugin, kindly read the Free articles of Google Analytics and insert your own code yourself manually by either PHP call function or manually the Javascripts in header & footer (in case of spitted code). We do not recommend to use any dedicated or SEO WordPress Plugin for inserting tracking codes as, if the source codes are checked not line by line and nulled, these Plugins can send your data to the Plugin developer or any third party. When you are login, that can also be tracked with these plugins.
This is the current reference webpage :
1 | https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/eventTrackerGuide |
We prefer the split code (reference) :
1 | https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/?csw=1 |
So, this is your minimum setup :
This function is named ‘push’ so that an array can be used in the place of _gaq before Analytics has completely loaded. While Analytics is loading, commands will be pushed/queued onto the array. It uses _setAccount to set the page’s web property ID and then calls _trackPageview to send the tracking data back to the Google Analytics servers. One line tracking is also possible :
You are not doing all of these three at one time – you can select only one to use. If you wrongly add two, nothing wrong will happen – the second script will not load. You can read how asynchronous javascript actually works.
Outgoing Link Tracking with Google Analytics : Now Make Clicking Trackable
So, we have added the var (variable), its funny that – even if a HTML5 button with tracker is clicked before the browser has fully finished loading, the event will be captured :
The names like Button 3 things are arbitrary in example. But, not that we always need a button ! What will happen in those cases where we want to track an in line link ?
Here is the solution :
You will simply add this within head as extra :
And this to link :
thecustomizewindows.com is the domain you are linking towards in this case. Now, actually its like normal HTML link, you can add itemprop, rel etc stuffs :
You will get the info of tracking on STANDARD REPORTS > Events > Event Category where you will see the Event Category and ‘Outbound Links’.
Tagged With google analytics manage outgoing referrals , tracking outgoing traffic with google analytics