Installing .deb package on .rpm Based Linux for Server became relevant when we wanted to install OpenPanel on CentOS or any REHL Linux.Here is how we can do it. You can read the previous guide on how to Install Free Web Control Panel OpenPanel on Rackspace Cloud Server if you want to install OpenPanel on .deb based Linux Distro like Debian, Ubuntu etceteras. First we need to understand the basic problems what we face when are going to install .deb package on .rpm Based Linux for Server.
Installing .deb package on .rpm Based Linux for Server : Basics
Red Hat Package Manager or RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a package management system. In the same way, DEB is also a Package Manager. If you are new to Linux, it is probably better to read the basics of Linux and Linux Distros. Linux Kernel is distributed as fully free software. The Kernel is the same for RPM based and DEB based system, like the Kernel of OpenBSD and OS X are same. So, actually, if we have the source code of a program, we can compile it for either DEB based or RPM based system.
Installing .deb package on .rpm Based Linux for Server : Example and Ways
For example, OpenPanel has only ready made software for Deb based System :
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We want to avoid this specific App, but we want to say; if the binary is available, then we could compile it for RPM. If we do not get the source code or we do not have the ability to undergo through this process, there is another way – we can convert a .deb to .rpm and vice versa :
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We can just do these steps :
1 | wget |
1 | tar xf alien_VERSION.tar.gz |
1 | cd alien |
1 | perl Makefile.PL; make; sudo make install |
1 | #To convert a .deb package to a .rpm package: |
1 | alien -r package.deb |
1 | To install the converted rpm package: |
1 | sudo yum localinstall package.rpm |
For Ubuntu, we can install this package in one step :
1 | sudo apt-get install alien |
Tagged With installation of rpm and deb based data , install deb on centos , install deb on centos 8 , how to install software on linux - deb or rpm red hat linux , how to install rpm based package in linux , deb package installation on centos , conversion icon , centos install deb package , centos install deb , установка deb в red hat