Twitter Cards WordPress for Dummies is a comprehensive guide to implement and get proper post specific different Twitter Cards in more flexibly. No new SEO plugin is required if your Theme or Theme Framework can generate the minimum Tags. There is no meaning of trying this and that SEO Plugin for getting more features. Like Genesis Framework, Thesis Framework; practically there is no need of any SEO Plugin to generate these meta tags. Our target is to use less heavy Plugins – it is technically better to use a separate plugin for RSS feed, another for all Open Graphs. The reason apart from making the queries to MySQL database easier is, the individual plugin developers can have issue – late development, late updates etceteras. All SEO type plugins with time is changed for being the best – Headspace was number one once, then All-in-One SEO, then Platinum SEO like that. Do not get tempted by someone’s push of using a Plugin – the data can be collected and sold. This is another reason to use lighter WordPress plugins so that you can check the source code. It is not only possible, many developers actually add the function to collect data – you will never know, how your traffic data is getting stolen.
Twitter Cards WordPress for Dummies : Forewords
Facebook and Twitter, both supports Open Graph Protocol. Except few specific tags, you will practically need only one plugin that dynamically generates Open Graph meta description, title, extract image url etceteras. Another Plugin or Theme with similar function is required to add the Twitter or Facebook specific meta tags. Else you need to use a separate plugin, like Header and Footer Plugin. To brief up :
- A Theme / Theme Framework (we are taking Genesis 2.0 as the Standard) which will generate the Twitter or Facebookspecific meta tags. Not all Themes can add these by default, in that case you’ll need a separate plugin which allows to add anything as Meta tag, like Header and Footer Plugin.
- Second plugin is for dynamically generates Open Graph meta description, title, extract image url etceteras.
Now, few older posts can help you :
- Object Meta Tags for Facebook Open Graph Protocol
- Various Ways to Add Twitter Meta Tags in WordPress
- Showing Open Graph Protocol og image, og description Properly
Specially the last one is important, because we gave the corrected version of the Plugin that dynamically generates yhe Open Graph meta description, title, extract image url etceteras :
Obviously, you can use the official version, if you are unable to understand the needed extra tweaks. Now, adding the extra specific parts via either the Theme/Theme FrameWork or Some Plugin that adds Meta or header stuffs :
Here is your official testing tool :
For example, if you Copy Paste this URL :
and test with proper card type, it will actually get validated. The error of fetching image is not due to your problem, if you reload, it will work; this is an issue with server side or API (you need not to know in details). This is it. There should not be any issue after reading this guide on Twitter Cards WordPress for Dummies. It takes few weeks to get approved after applying. We will add a video for those who are still not understanding and this sentence will get replaced then. Here is example :
Twitter Cards #WordPress for Dummies: Twitter Cards WordPress for Dummies is a comprehensive¦
— Abhishek Ghosh (@AbhishekCTRL) August 21, 2013
This is not an image ! This is really embedded Twitter Card of this post.
Tagged With twitter for dummies twitter card