Links CLI based browser with graphics for OS X requires to install XQuartz and compile and make installation manually. In this guide we have provided an overview. This might not be a standalone guide – we already have a full guide for installation of Links CLI based browser with graphics on OS X. In order to use Links CLI based browser with graphics for OS X you need to follow few extra steps and some modification of the command. Still if you follow this guide, that is enough for installation.
Links CLI based browser with graphics : The Basics
As we have said, the previous full guide for installation of Links CLI based browser actually provides all the steps. Please open that webpage on separate tab, follow the steps properly, the guide will give you a demonstration and the point out the reason why the normal ./configure –enable-graphics command does not work and constant throws configure: error: No graphics drivers found.
Steps for Installation of Links CLI Based Browser With Graphics on OS X
Actually, we need X11 to use the feature. But X11 has been withdrawn by Apple. So, we need to install XQuartz :
1 | |
Download that DMG and install it first. Next you will need to install libpng package. You can install libpng from command line (we have used HomeBrew setup, you can use MacPorts or anything you want) :
1 | brew install libpng |
Now, either manually download the tar ball or wget the latest version of the Links Browser from here :
1 | |
Take that, you have downloaded links-2.7pre1.tar.gz file. After uncompressing, obviously you will get the named folder. Changed Directory to that folder first :
1 | cd links-2.7pre1 |
Now configure with this command :
1 | ./configure --x-includes=/usr/X11/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11/lib/ --enable-graphics |
This is where the error configure: error: No graphics drivers found shows up. But this will not throw any error. Previously, the location was /usr/include/X11 as OS X / Mac OS had X11 by default. But we are using XQuartz. The path has changed, so the path has been – /usr/X11/include. In other words, people copy pastes the old wrong path with actual checking, that is why the error shows up.
Simply using make command will complete the job :
1 | sudo make install |
Thats it. Run links command with -g flag, it will open your desired webpage with images nicely.
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