Flexibility and scalability are key benefits of cloud computing. But this can really skim, it is right from the beginning to pay attention to the architecture. One who does his/her homework diligently, is usually rewarded – it’s at school, at work and even when it is cloud computing – anyone who wants to succeed in the cloud, needs to work on the right architecture before. This is indicated by many IT analysts. A cloud application is only worth as much as the architecture on which it is based. Many companies made the mistake internally in the development of cloud applications, without much thinking much about the cloud infrastructure or platform. This is often done after the completion of apps. Which is wrong.
An application must be developed directly for the cloud. Scalability and high availability have to be considered from the outset. An application should own more than one virtual machines when more power is needed. Also automatically should shut down again when no longer resources is. Again, the application itself must ensure this scalability.
Legacy applications should be adjusted as soon as possible, the properties of a cloud computing infrastructure should exactly match to their specifications not partially matched. Cloud applications must ultimately be developed from the outset in the cloud. Requirements of the future cloud infrastructure are to be analyzed and considered individually. This why we have said that Flexibility and Scalability are the Key Benefits of Cloud Computing.
Only with sufficient resources the performance of cloud applications can go elastic. Therefore, the capacity planning is a fundamental part of a cloud strategy. In addition, the scalability plays an important role. A well thought out plan in advance, about the cloud computing architecture ensure that the bottlenecks are reduced, explains the expert. Resource-intensive processes could be separated from each other and the load must be distributed across multiple virtual machines within the cloud infrastructure. Conversely, this means developing the application to suit the properties of the cloud – Flexibility and Scalability are the Key Benefits of Cloud Computing only if the applications can fully use it.
Flexibility and Scalability in Cloud Computing : Recommended Performance Management
One of the main advantages of cloud computing is scalability. Cloud computing companies allow simple up-or down scaling as needed. Most cloud service providers allowed to adapt to increased business demands. Due to the highly scalable nature of cloud computing, now many companies on rely on the managed data centers where there are cloud experts who are trained in the administration and scaling for public, private and hybrid clouds. Cloud computing enables a quick and easy assignment of resources within a controlled environment, representing the peak load with no problem, as long as the system is properly maintained. For small to large enterprise businesses, the managed datacenters are an attractive business option.
As potential pitfalls, however, example situations like some applications are in a public cloud, some are in a private cloud, and the access to the remaining via VPN makes the legacy applications perform slower. A lower bandwidth, lower latency, low memory, slower hard drives, lower CPU cycles are responsible for the poor performance of an application. It is advised to use of performance management systems to monitor the performance of the cloud environment. We are avoiding to give practical example, but there is a PaaS which runs on Legacy system and gradually becoming more slower on performance with the increase in number of customers – directly, the page loading time is increasing for individual webpages.
Flexibility and Scalability in Cloud Computing : Single Point of Failure
Performance problems can significantly affect the service delivery and therefore under no circumstances should be underestimated. A bad performance is therefore a no-no and must be avoided at all costs. During the development of a cloud application, basically it is important to make sure not to create an application with single point of failure. Moreover, it should always be assumed that at any time something can go wrong. The goal must be to keep the application functioning at any time. This must also be the case if the underlying hardware infrastructure, is defective.
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