Tips for great travel photos is the continuation of our previous article to give focus on the little things, here are the points where to give importance. In the last paragraph of that article, we said that in the next article, we will discuss what are the elements which are taken as a guide to discovering. The photographer should always be attentive to the details and adept to catch them. Your eyes must always be trained to find what the other escapes and focus your mind to turn it into a beautiful picture. Accustomed to do it on the go.
A person, who never could create only one photo with good composition with a mobile phone camera or a point or shoot, it is unlikely that there will be a huge improvement after purchasing the DSLR within a month. DSLR will complicate the learning process. If you are new, fully new to learn photography, we will rather suggest you use the current one you have, give importance to the theories of Photography first. These theories are evergreen and constant. DSLR is the technical instrument, when you feel the hindrance, the limitations of your existing camera; then think of a DSLR. It is possibly difficult to change the habit of looking on the LCD screen versus looking through the viewfinder. If the camera is foreign to me, the foreign country will remain foreign to my camera.
Tips for Great Travel Photos : What to Look For ?
From a compositional point of view, focusing yourself on the details is of great help. It helps you to simplify the background, removing the distractions as we mentioned in the earlier article, decrease the efficiency of the photo. At the beginning you will struggle to find the little things to be photographed on the road, on the other hand which are small. Here is some suggestions, so the next time you will know what to look for:
- Architectural details, parts of buildings, statues, characteristic elements of housing
- Street food, food in restaurant, elegantly set tables in a restaurant
- Typical clothes, even if only parts thereof
- Vehicles or parts of vehicles
- Animals
- Working hands, gestures
- Products such as textiles, jewelery, handicrafts, commercial activities
- Doors, windows, cabinets, flowers and vegetation in general
- Faces, facial expressions, gestures and interactions between people
- Materials, interesting textures or colors
When you travel, these little things take on a greater value because they describe with greater authenticity the place you have visited. These individuals can sometimes be mundane, a way to make them more photogenic without fail is to exploit the light. Evaluate whether the light that hits your subject is beautiful, think if it turns out well in the photo to make it special.
Tips for Great Travel Photos : How to photograph the details
If the only lens that is asked on the road to carry is a wide-angle lens, you will find it hard to focus yourself on the details, especially with the little ones. You will need higher focal lengths. For this reason, the advice is always to have with you a handy focal length of least 70mm (as I suggested in some article earlier). Otherwise, if you exclude using wide-angle lens or a normal lens, you will miss the opportunities. You can find them for all camera brands. We also found shorter focal lengths, such as 35mm, useful for travel photos but we have used only static subjects and inanimate objects, such as food. To photograph small details of mobile objects with a lens so short you have to go close and it’s disturbing.
We will suggest, the next time you visit any place, even if only for a half-day trip, to force yourself to photograph as much as possible (or only) little things. If you want to avoid loopholes, bring only a telephoto lens if you have no other lens, so that the landscapes and monuments will be technically forbidden to you!