Indoor Photography with nothing but the light of a window if used properly, the soft natural light can create portraits that highlight the beautiful skin tone. This one example. For some photographs, nothing competes with the natural beauty of ambient light. Although it may initially seem like a limitation, shooting using natural light can offer a wide range of lighting styles in Indoor Photography.
Indoor Photography : How to find the perfect lighting from windows
Using the natural light effectively can be an opportunity to learn indoor Photography, especially when your options are perhaps more limited with regard to the available light. It is obvious that you should find a room where there is a window. So, like any other light source, the size of a window may vary depending on the atmosphere you are looking to create in your image. A large, bright window will be useful for creating smooth images, while a small window may prove effective to create a more dramatic look and directional.
How to pose your subject to take advantage in Indoor Photography
There are some tricks you can use to manipulate the natural light to create effects with just the right intensity. For example, you can use curtains to filter the light and soften it further. You can also add a blinds like material (to control the shape of the light coming from the window) to create unique patterns of light on the subject. Another way to control the light or to increase it, is to add a reflector. The reflector can be made specifically for photography or you can also use a large sheet of white cardboard or a piece of cloth, such as a sheet. This will allow you to bounce extra light back on the subject and helps to fill in unwanted shadows.
What camera settings you should use for the best results with the light from the window?
That basically partially explained on the article What Camera Mode to Choose Depending on the Situation. Very important article – thousands of likes – the reason is the easy to remember dial settings. Principle is the same. Advances in digital SLR technology allows us to really shoot with a higher ISO without losing too much in picture quality for full frame DSLR.
There is also a good selection of software on the market able to drastically reduce the occurrence of motion artifacts caused by high ISO sensitivity. That said, you should always try to shoot at a lower ISO possible for your specific case. Start with a low ISO and higher shutter speed, slowly reducing the speed until the image is properly exposed. If the shutter speed becomes so slow that any movement of the camera ruin the photo, try increasing your ISO. You can also adjust the aperture to let in more light, at least until the depth of field does not affect the appearance of the photograph you are trying to achieve.
Setting the camera can be difficult, since each situation will be different. It is often a good idea to experiment with different settings and do more test shots until you are satisfied with the results: this one of the advantages of digital photography! The trial process has a great educational value. Try different settings, placing the subject in different ways, and do not forget to shoot from different points!
Tagged With photography indoor window