How to Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server by the novice, who never configured a Server can easily follow this guide to install WordPress. The video guide is the main thing in this guide and the required commands are also written here, so that you can easily copy paste them. Kindly understand the logics, do not follow this guide How to Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server by only copy pasting. You will not need much understanding of server and commands, we have created this video in the way you can guess the logics rightly.
How to Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server Guide : Needed Things
You will need very few tools to follow this guide. For OS X and Linux, you can use Terminal, for OS X you can use iTerm2, which we have used in the video guide. For Windows Operating System, you need to use another software named PuTTY – you can read about it here. Obviously, you will need a Rackspace Cloud Account. You can delete the server instance if you are using this guide for learning purpose – it will cost you few cents. We have not shown configuring Firewall and installing the monitoring tools. Those are next steps after the installation which you must perform.
How to Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server Guide : The Commands
After checking the sources.list and updating and upgrading the OS, we have used this command to install all the needed software components for WordPress :
We used :
apt-get install phpmyadmin
to install PHPMyAdmin. We have shown how to create a database in the video guide. We have other guides as well – Working With WordPress MySQL through PHPMyAdmin Video Guide.
We used these two commands to enable site defaults :
a2dissite defaultservice apache2 reload
We can check our IP addresses and associated domain names :
cat /etc/hosts
We can can configure the Apache2 configuration file :
cat /etc/apache2/ports.conf
For fixing not loading PHPMyAdmin, we have used these two commands :
You can find all my Gist here in GitHub.
Rest of the commands and settings :
And the WordPress part :
Windows users, apart from this How to Install WordPress on Rackspace Cloud Server Guide; can look at our old guide to see the older guide on how to install WordPress as the screenshots were from Windows PC plus PuTTY. The OS was CentOS not Debian, so the commands will vary a bit.