Mirrorless Camera launched with much bells and whistles, it itself has moved a lot of water. What we gain or lose or what are the advantages or disadvantages of a Mirrorless camera ? Over the past four years to the already complex market of digital cameras another added a new subject is the mirrorless camera which basically we discussed under the article named Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Camera (DSLM). There are so many questions, with this article we want to make some clarity on this new phenomenon, in fact mirrorless camera is no longer just a phenomenon but a reality.
What is these mirrorless camera ?
What is these mirrorless camera means, what is the basic difference of a mirrorless camera with a Compact Digital Camera ? Being a novelty, this new type of camera may often is confused with others already present on the market like bridge camera. Fortunately, the definition is pretty simple, at least theoretically. Aesthetically, a mirrorless (also called “EVIL” ; it is a sarcastic acronym from – Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens, electronic viewfinder interchangeable lens) has the appearance of a large compact camera which, however, you can change lenses. The interchangeable lens is the difference or peculiar than the compact. So, we can come up with some definition but also there are bride camera that resemble the size of a DSLR.
From the technical point of view; however, the mirrorless identify themselves for not having the mirror inside. You must know, in fact, that the reflex, or more cameras known before mirrorless with interchangeable lenses, inside have a mirror – either pentamirror or pentaprism – prism or mirror. As you focus a frame, this mirror is used to reflect the image that enters the lens in the viewfinder. At the time of shooting, the mirror is raised and remains open until the exposure has ended (you can see the graphics in this page ).
The mirrorless do not include this mirror and therefore may have a much smaller body. At the same time, however, it becomes impossible to have an optical viewfinder that exactly shows optically through the lens sees, almost like what happens in compact digital cameras or bridges. As you can understand, both from inside and outside the mirrorless cameras appear as a cross between SLR and compact cameras. Some what like mule to be honest – Mules have 63 chromosomes; a mixture of the horse’s 64 and the donkey’s 62. Most mules are infertile. It is not possible to predict whether these mirrorless camera are productive in long run under various situations.
Mirrorless camera and micro four thirds
Sometimes, it happens to mistakenly use the term to refer to micro four thirds with mirrorless camera. Actually, the former is a subset of the latter : the micro four thirds sensor is present in most mirrorless camera but not all are mirrorless camera has micro four thirds. The term micro four thirds indicates the ratio between the size of the sensor. It is the typical ratio of the old television before the arrival of the 16:9 screen. It was a consortium founded by Panasonic and Olympus to create this standard and to implement the first cameras were announced in 2008.
Mirrorless Camera or DSLR
The advantage of mirrorless versus pure DSLR : Portability
Compared to the DSLR, the mirrorless are clearly more portable. The camera body is much smaller and lighter, it can easily fit into a small bag. Also the weight accordingly is much more reduced. Be warned, however, that the choice of lens affects a lot on the portability and overall weight. By mounting a telephoto lens, a mirrorless no longer enters into a bag. The weight, however, remains extremely low even with longer lenses. As some say, the best camera is always the one you have with you. Therefore, the greater portability of a mirrorless camera, it becomes the main factor in the choice between SLR or mirrorless if excessive space of reflex prevents you to carry it with you.
Disadvantages compared to DSLR
The disadvantages are more numerous than the advantages even if the portability, as we wrote above, can be an advantage sufficient to determine the choice. First of all, some mirrorless sensors have dimensions smaller than the DSLR. Minimum an entry level DSLR will have an APS-C sized sensor. The current market trend of the advanced users shows a general increase in the size of the sensors in the non-professional cameras. Secondly, the mirrorless not have the optical viewfinder. The electronic display can never be same like the optical. Finally, many models of mirrorless, for now are not at all cheap in fact costly than an entry level DSLR.
Mirrorless versus compact digital camera (or bridge camera)
Mirrorless is a fantastic innovation in the field of photography because it gives the full control, weighs less, can be used by relatively novice. But unfortunately the price makes the comparison not so valuable. It is probably better to have a donkey than a mule.
Composition and other points obviously has nothing to do with any kind of camera.
Tagged With mirrorless or compact , a disr camera with no bells and whisles but good image quality , best dslr with no bells and whistles
greg says
With an optical view finder can you zoom in on a specific section of the image for review. Down the road, believe the optical view finder will go away, (higher sensitive sensors will be capable of seeing in the dark, cant see optical images in the dark) Each camera DSLR, MLC currently has its purpose, the potential is there. Have to take into account mirror lock up time, longer alignment distance between last optical element and sensor.
I still enjoy analog, and the quiet of a range finder, and manual exposure my way. So true the best camera is the one you take with you. View the phone camera as a limiting option, but has its place, I use to take my camera everywhere, but a full frame DSLR is heavy, as well as my MFC which was actually lighter (but bulky) , I now take my mirrorless everywhere, it is just fit for purpose – small enough to fit in a pocket.