Horizontal Lines in Composition can appear naturally in a photo – the horizon, a fallen tree, an object lying. We can also think about a bridge. These are all elements that suggest calm, restful situation. These objects are very stable, they keeps a balance, hold a weight. So they inspire stability, solidity. Similarly to these elements in real, the horizontal lines used in photographic composition are used to induce in the viewer a feeling of calm and stability. Horizontal Lines in Composition holds a special position in Digital Photography.
Horizontal Lines in Composition
A natural way to emphasize the horizontal lines is to orient the camera in its horizontal position or with the long side down. In this way, the lines is left for extended and fully exercise their function. Orient the camera in the vertical can still be a good solution, especially if we want to create a feeling of contrast breaking lines. It is always a good idea, in addition, to make sure that the horizontal lines in composition is effective. So let us hold the camera straight.
Obviously, the rule of thirds can be applied in combination with the use of the horizontal lines. For this purpose, the horizontal line which identifies the upper third or with that which identifies the lower third is better be used. A horizontal line which is predominant, such as the horizon, positioned exactly in the center of the picture can often make the photo trivial.
The repetition of horizontal lines marks the photo from the bottom up by creating pace and leading the viewer’s eye into the photo. Although the appropriate use of the horizontal lines can have a beneficial effect on the composition, some element are always able to break them. Just because the horizontal lines suggest calm and quiet, if there is anything that adds a little variety of the composition, it is likely to be “boring”.
Horizontal Lines in Composition : Train yourself to see and use the horizontal lines
Maybe we have misused the horizontal lines and we have not noticed or we had to eliminate a few shots when we might save properly using horizontal elements that were present in the scene. It is therefore important that we get used to, whenever we take a photo, to seize any horizontal lines at our disposal and to use them in the best way. To do this, before you press the shutter button, always carefully observe the scene that we are shooting.
As always, it is also very useful to study the photos of other photographers that strike us and understand what role they play in possibly the horizontal lines has played an important role.
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