How to Insert Signature in Digital Photography for several purposes like promotional purpose, to declare author’s name, declare the copyright etc. For special photographs like of weeding, before distributing, you can embed or hide text in normal picture files in Windows in the way we described. You can add additional security by adding Geolocation in Exif data (if not added by camera), add a barcode on images before distributing using your ISSN and/or ISBN number. But, basically you need to know how to insert your signature in Digital Photography.
How to Insert Signature in Digital Photography : Required Softwares
We are showing this example, How to Insert Signature in Digital Photography using Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (Mac version). But, you can use Adobe Lightroom or any limited version distributed with your Camera manufacturer. There are other softwares like we said in the article – Free Photoshop Alternatives for Image Editing, Manipulation. Today, most has versions for Linux and Apple OS X. Also you can use iDraw, which is a very good software.
How to Insert Signature in Digital Photography : Steps
In Adobe Photoshop, it is easy to create a signature or specifically loosely known as watermark and you can make automatically to be applied to your photos when exporting. You can either use a text and graphics, such as the logo of your site and your photo studio. If you know the basics, actually you can apply your own method. First open your image :
Duplicate the layer :
Add another layer :
Click the Text toolbar and type the text :
Like this, for example :
Right click on the text layer, you will get Rasterize Layer option. Again Right click on the layer and click select Blending option. You can add various effects to make it artistic.