Do I Need a Cloud Storage Service ? A straightforward person might answer – will it increase your social status ? There are many things to about Cloud Storage. Actually the person who asked via comment is an innocent user. But this is probably a serious question to many novice users.
What Are the Needs For the Question : Do I Need a Cloud Storage Service ?
Basically, most Cloud Storage service are now a part of Content Delivery Network. On the technical side you must need to know as bit about Edge Computing, Cloud Storage Gateway, Content Delivery Network (CDN) etc. Within the question Do I Need a Cloud Storage Service lies the answer – do I need security ? So there is a need to know about Cloud Computing Security Issues, the unsolved problems with Cloud Storage and most importantly – Cloud Computing and Legal Issues.
Do I Need a Cloud Storage Service?
You are unknowingly using Cloud Storage services on the social networking websites like Google Plus, Facebook etc. We can not directly answer to your question Do I Need a Cloud Storage Service, but something more here.
Cloud Storage services provide an online space for storing any type of file, documents or photos or backup. They are available from various free, frremium and paid service providers and if it is CDN based then it is replicated in the rest of the world on different nodes. Cloud storage allows you to pay only for the GB that actually you consume, in addition to the payment of bandwidth used, always per GB.
If the requirement is not to invest on dedicated, more safer storage solution, then the cloud storage is definitely a great solution : instead of having to rent a dedicated server, an account will solve your issue. All cloud storage services are in fact useful to save static files, not web pages or databases that need to be run on a server. To be more direct, we can not think that (at least currently) cloud storage can replace a SAN within our data center, because for many uses appears to be slow.
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