Installing AppFog PaaS Command Line Tool on OS X 10.8.x is actually not that easy for any level of user. Its a Ruby Gem and our method makes it very easy. When we are saying our method, the question will obviously arise – which method ? We are describing the method for easy Installing AppFog PaaS Command Line Tool on OS X 10.8.x with link to older tutorials.
Installing AppFog PaaS Command Line Tool on OS X 10.8.x : What is not Easy ?
Basically if you follow our skeleton text guide for Installing AppFog PaaS Command Line Tool on OS X 10.8.x – AppFog Cloud PaaS CLI, it actually will not work that easily if you have not fixed the command line of OS X like we have described before. That is why we have added a video to show you how you will work painlessly.
Installing AppFog PaaS Command Line Tool on OS X 10.8.x
You have the basic right to install Ruby Gems painfully :
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That is actually the right method, we made it short with various packages. That is the basic reason why you will not require to configure any profile file. So watch the video.
Transcript of the Video
Installing command line tool for AppFog on Mac wit OS X 10.8.2 is not that easy like installing toolbelt on Heroku cloud. It is a Ruby Gem and you need to know few things. Those who are following our previous guides to install iTerm2 will face no issues in our method. We have many things beforehand that includes home-brew, Xcode for command line etc. With our setup, installing command line tool for AppFog on Mac with OS X 10.8 .2 is just a charm. All the tools basically we use for command line (emulation) like Terminal or iTerm uses a shell. Either its bash or zsh. Let us open iTerm2 and check whether Ruby is installed. We are using ZSH or rather oh my zsh. Like in our written guide, simply install two components. This one with brew install command and it will create your installation ready itself. Second is install app fog with sudo command that is with privilege. As it is a video, there is no chance to fake anything. you can see its working.
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