Pushing Git Repositories over FTP in Rackspace Cloud Sites is possible in read only mode. Here is a guide for hardcore command line interface users to use git. After reading the title – Pushing Git Repositories over FTP in Rackspace Cloud Sites, as a Rackspace Cloud Sites user, you might get this kind of feeling – “what ? git ? is it Rackspace Cloud Sites ?” Yes, Pushing Git Repositories over FTP in Rackspace Cloud Sites is for Rackspace Cloud Sites. Who told you that you will always need the shell access for git ? We usually use git with shell access, possibly git is developed in that way, but actually command line work is possible with Rackspace Cloud Sites – be it with FTP / SFTP or git. Here is how. Please remember, we are using OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion. Commands and method to install the components is easier on Linux. Windows users better use Ubuntu than fighting with simulated UNIX environment. There is no reason to use Windows OS anymore, at least have any Linux as dual boot as an advanced user.
Rackspace Cloud Sites users do have an irresistible demand for getting git by default, you can check in official feedback post. Pushing Git Repositories over FTP in Rackspace Cloud Files is an temporary solution, not a full fledged solution.
Rackspace Cloud Sites is the most advanced and possibly only mentionable managed aPaaS in this world, yet it is far behind their other cloud services including Cloud Server. However, Rackspace Cloud Sites is far far better than any existing hosting for PHP MySQL based CMS, specially.
Important Must Know Tutorials Before Pushing Git Repositories over FTP in Rackspace Cloud Site
We are taking that you have a Mac or at least Linux. Windows users needs to go for GNU GPL extra stuffs to enable the UNIX like features. You must know and master these things before giving any effort for Pushing Git Repositories over FTP in Rackspace Cloud Sites guide :
- Accessing Rackspace Cloud Sites FTP from Command Line Interface in Mac
- Fixing UNIX Commands After OSX 10.8 Updates
- List of Indispensable OS X Commands
- Console2 Customization and UNIX Functions (For backdated/pseudo computer users, i.e. Windows 7, Windows 8 users. Its pseudo because Windows NT is full copy paste of OpenVMS including the wallpapers. MS could not manage the gap of kernel though, thats why so much malwares, virus etc. exists.) Practically only a boot disk is needed to get in to Windows, whatever the password is.
The reason why MS invest behind SUSE is to find out how the gap can be fixed. We are not saying that Linux is copy of UNIX but is written from scratch. Somehow the commands are equivalent. FreeBSD is UNIX equivalent.
Pushing Git Repositories over FTP in Rackspace Cloud Sites
First, go to this repo :
1 | https://github.com/AbhishekGhosh/git-ftp |
In this url :
You will get the needed commands for Linux and others. Mac’s is explained here.
The needed commands (run one by one) :
1 | brew install git-ftp |
1 | mkdir -p ~/develop/git-ftp.git |
1 | cd ~/develop/git-ftp.git |
1 | git clone https://github.com/resmo/git-ftp.git |
1 | chmod +x git-ftp |
1 | mkdir ~/bin && cd ~/bin/ |
1 | ln -s ~/develop/git-ftp.git/git-ftp git-ftp.dev |
/bin/ directory is an alias. You can navigate to ~/develop/git-ftp.git by right click on Finder, clicking the Go to folder… option and writing that path : ~/develop/git-ftp.git in the pop up window.
Usages :
Everything is written in Github project, still. First you need to create a project to practice. Setting defaults for a git project in .git/config. See the “Using Scopes” sub header in project home page :
1 | https://github.com/AbhishekGhosh/git-ftp |
As basically we are pushing, the commands will be executed by our Operating System not the Server. So there is no problem for pushing.
Tagged With fatal: Could not get last commit Network down? Wrong URL? Use git ftp init for the initial push exiting