Installing WordPress on AppFog Video Guide will show to install WordPress on Free AppFog on Rackspace DFW and also the points where users commit mistakes. We already have a textual guide for Installing WordPress on AppFog and this time a video demonstration. There are already some requests for few video guides, so one by one is going here.
Installing WordPress on AppFog Video Guide : Basics
Just like Heroku Cloud, Red Hat OpenShift, AppFog is also a Cloud PaaS. If you are new to Cloud or PaaS, you can read about the service models of Cloud Computing or PaaS for developers. In few words, Installing WordPress on AppFog is free of cost if you want to use upto 2GB RAM and needs no special knowledge of Command line interface (CLI), you basically will get click and start interface.
AppFog is far superior than those $3/month shared server, the backend is from Amazon, Rackspace, Azure – you can choose what infrastructure you want to use.
Installing WordPress on AppFog Video Guide
You can view a live version of WordPress running here :
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Everything is said and shown on the video guide, not much to write here plus the old textual guide for Installing WordPress on AppFog is quite handy for the users.
Installing WordPress on AppFog : Upgrading
If you want to upgrade or move to a paid system, usually IaaS later, you can easily use any WordPress Plugin to take both the backup of database and MySQL. It is not very difficult plus as AppFog is open source, there is no chance of vendor lock-in. You can also clone as git like we use Heroku Cloud from Git, in case you are quite advanced user.
Only precaution is that, take regular updates as basically you are using a free service. There is an issue users often faces, that is the AppFog 404 error. The first reason is, please allow 15 minutes after the application (wordpress) instance creation. Second thing we have shown in the video guide, that is a technically wrong method that results to this AppFog 404 error.