How to set VNC up on a Linux Server with Rackspace Cloud Unmanaged Server plus tips on suitable Linux distro, which clients to use – all in one compact article. How to set VNC up on a Linux Server with Rackspace Cloud Unmanaged Server is not a naive guide, we have several textual guides with full commands required to setup plus there are video guides. Those who can not understand what is VNC, for them, in simple word, VNC is Virtual Network Computing, it is a setup where the GUI of a remote computer or server can be controlled from a local computer. That means you can use just like a remote desktop computer using your tablet PC or full fledged computer. The reason behind easy setup of VNC and making it a full working desktop is nothing but actually there are very few difference between a Server Operating System and Desktop Operating System. So let gets started with the complete article on How to set VNC up on A Linux Server With Rackspace Cloud.
How to set VNC up on A Linux Server With Rackspace Cloud : Why Rackspace Cloud ?
Because Rackspace Cloud Server (unmanaged) is least cost IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and has flexible model of hourly usage based pay rate. Rackspace has own repository for the important Linux Distro, their Internal Network speed is fastest among the publicly available IaaS. Additionally we use Rackspace Cloud Managed Services, so it is the easiest setup for us. The commands are same for any server and if you have any thought that whether Rackspace Pays us – no, only they invest through the targeted Ads. Rackspace Cloud Software (OpenStack with other partners) is free software, that is additional point of support. You can use 512MB to 30 GB of RAM.
How to set VNC up on A Linux Server With Rackspace Cloud
You can read a preface before going to read and watch the video guides on How to set VNC up on A Linux Server With Rackspace Cloud Server. We have written guide how to setup a VNC on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with step by step commands in the article named Ubuntu with GUI on Rackspace Cloud Server as VNC Remote Desktop. We used Windows 7 for that guide. That tutorial again explained in Video Guide in our Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Rackspace Cloud Server as VNC Remote Desktop. We created video for a Special version of Debian too – Rackspace Cloud Server as Remote NeuroDebian Desktop. We have shown that, with a free software, you can access the VNC remote server from any Browser.
Remaining points are discussed here. It is better to use Ubuntu or Debian to set VNC. You can use openSUSE as it is optimized for Cloud and one of the solid Linux Distribution available. OpenBSD works great and technically not a Linux. We found only one company who has Mac Mini Colocation Hosting :
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They are running a cute service ! Practically no cooling required, no own hardware support team required ! Its also good if you want a colocation that is very small in Bandwidth need. Method for OS X for VNC is a bit different.
How to set VNC up on A Linux Server : VNC Client Softwares
For Windows, the details are in the tutorials. For OS X 10.8.2 or later (Mountain Lion upwards), no VNC client is required to be installed. Mac offers two methods of screen sharing; one called Screen Sharing and the other called Remote Management. The two are actually use the same VNC system to allow screen sharing. The difference is that the Remote Management method also includes support for Apple’s Remote Desktop application. We will show in future article and link here. You can use any third party software but if you have a Mac Book Pro with a Retina display, a connected third party VNC Viewer cannot control it properly. Ubuntu has lot of VNC clients :
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For iOS, Android the client Apps are available on respective official stores.
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