Real-time Monitoring of Google Analytics now should be exploited feature-wise to the full. With Real-time monitoring can check statistics immediately without the need to have to wait for the next day. Adding new content, Evaluate the effectiveness of promotions, Monitor traffic from social networks can be done in real time with this Real-time Monitoring tool from Google Analytics.
Real-time Monitoring of Google Analytics : Some practical examples of usage
Adding new content : If we open a new section of the site or simply add a new post, we can use the real-time monitoring to verify that if the new content is properly recorded by Google Analytics. To use, puse our browser and access new content, checking panel of real-time monitoring that the visit be recognized.
Evaluate the effectiveness of promotions : During running a short promotion, duration of which is less than 24 hours, we can use the real-time monitoring to understand if the promotion is having the desired effect (and possibly adjust it)
Monitoring traffic from social networks: when we promote your site via a blog a social network, Real-time monitoring can be useful to know instantly what is the return traffic from these channels.
Scrutinizing : If we change the snippet of Google or simply after just installed, the panel of real-time monitoring lets to you see at a glance how the code works.
Let us now see what are the main features of the real-time monitoring. To open, click on “Real-time” in the left menu and click overview :
Real-time Monitoring of Google Analytics : The Flow of Data
The real-time monitoring is divided into four sections: Overview, Location, Traffic Sources and Content. The first section is probably the most important, because it contains virtually all the data of the other sections (except for some details). In any case, whatever the section that we are viewing, we will always give importance to the three main reports: number of visitors, page views in the last 30 minutes, visited pages for the last 60 seconds. The number of visitors is quite simple: The counter indicates the number of active visitors on the site. The term “active” refers to those users who are currently connected to, or has at least one browser tab open on a your page and are connected by a time less than that of the session. The session length is configurable, which means it can change depending on the situation, but in principle the session should last between 10 and 30 minutes. In other words, the counter indicates the number of visitors users browsing this site at the time, or viewing a page in the last half an hour (or less).
In summary, almost all the information of the real-time monitoring can be found in the overview section. he unique insights offered by other sections are as follows: the Location anel allows you to set the segments on the geographical origin of visitors, while the traffic sources section allows the segmentation based on the source of the visits.
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