Hosting A HTML Website on Rackspace Cloud Files Video shows you step by step video guide to get your own HTML website on Cloud Files. We have used Bootstrap for this example video for hosting a HTML Website on Rackspace Cloud Files CDN. We have used Bootstrap only for the fact that the docs part is a readymade HTML website itself. It is obvious that, you can upload and use any project which has HTML, CSS, Image files, Javascripts etc. kind of files. In simple word – any project which has usually known static files will work. PHP like serverside script will not work.
Plus Points of Hosting A HTML Website on Rackspace Cloud Files Video
First, Rackspace Cloud Files is the best possible CDN on this Earth. The backend is of Akamai and it cost $1 or something like that to start with. Practically it costs next to nothing as we usually use CDN to save bandwidth for the main websites. So this is a byproduct. You can host any demo project or survey which you do want to keep as record or for function but you want to avoid getting your main server cluttered.
As it is CDN, the geographical distribution makes it very fast loading. Additionally you will get SSL for free of cost. In other words, there is no negative point against hosting a HTML Website on Rackspace Cloud Files. You can use CNAME to make the URL short looking like subdomain.
Hosting A HTML Website on Rackspace Cloud Files Video : The Previous Guides Used on This Video
The father guide is this guide on hosting a HTML website on Rackspace Cloud Files with Bootstrap. We hugely use the bootstrap template for any demo like we used in Responsive Website Testing Tool.
There is no meaning that you must have to use Bootstrap. It is an example. For example you can create and host a demo music player on Cloud Files.
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