Create Large Dynamic Trees For Creating Documentation on Cloud for creating large expandable tree like navigation for creating documentation for project. Here is how you can Create Large Dynamic Trees For Creating Documentation on Cloud. you can deploy this concept on your website for providing documentation, dedicated bigger full page navigation and can integrate with any web software. There is practically no need to pay for hosting and you can easily deploy on any Cloud Based Storage after localhost development, to Create Large Dynamic Trees For Creating Documentation on Cloud publicly available, the Cloud Services which allows you to create public HTML page, like Dropbox or CDN like Rackspace Cloud Sites etc.
Why We Need to Create Large Dynamic Trees For Creating Documentation on Cloud
It is obvious thing that, we like a left sided expandable and click-able navigation with a hierarchy and on the left side the description. Probably our way of computing has created this tree based structure more logical appearing and easily understandable. All operating systems basically follows it, Windows Registry Editor is a perfect example of such structure. A basic example screenshot of the left sided panel is like this :
A full fledged complex example can be like this :
A Live Demo is here :
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How to reate Large Dynamic Trees For Creating Documentation on Cloud
There are various free repository for the base to create such project, from example you can download this :
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Now how to deploy, customize etc. For Rackspace Cloud Files, you can follow this guide to create an Excellent Website Easily with Rackspace Cloud Files and Bootstrap. As Rackspace Cloud Files has SSL, API support, CLI based control, it is very scalable, globally distributed and costs very less, this is the ideal platform. You can assign a CNAME too for better SEO looking like a subdomain. Please search with any of the word within this website for specific tutorial.
Second exact thing you can actually do with Dropbox. Tools for Using Dropbox Cloud for Web Hosting Easily explains how to do it. Its fully free option. You can use any other platform as you like.
You can use PHP or Python to create a bacend and GUI for more extensive features.