Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress is actually depends on the Theme in use. Usually most Theme supports it, else you can use any suitable free plugin. Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress is one of most important thing, at least for now. The reason is nothing but Google’s Microformat implementation – you can read our previous guide on Rich Snippets and Organization of Schemas and the real example of what it can do is searching in Google by clicking this link to search Dr. Abhishek Ghosh.
Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress and Author Archive URL
We use Custom Theme like most of the good blog uses, it has Authorbox by default and some custom features. It is not that, you must have to go for a custom theme, most themes probably has this feature, and we wrote how to perform Customizing the look of Author box in WordPress with CSS. The reason behind writing this article is – in WordPress Forums, we frequently see that the new users are asking about or rather complaining about one thing – Author Profile URL (or author archive page) is throwing 404 Error. One person in WordPress wanted some helpful guide, practically the idea to write a guide on Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress is ‘Generated by Forum’.
The answer to why the 404 Error comes is easy to answer – there is either the bug in php function is missing or has errors. If any official theme in WordPress Theme from repo has issues, please report me personally here. We will try to notify the developer to correct it. By the way, Web Hosting Setup can also play a role in Author Archive URL as mostly preg match and pretty URL from .htaccess is used for clean url. Those themes has such errors might have other issues too. So please check the other functions as well.
Those who has Authorbox support by Theme but no rel tag support, usually uses this method. Those who have no Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress, usually uses these kind of Plugin :
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Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress : What to Look For
Do not add Funky Authorbox, Funky means those loads with JQuerry and JavaScript. It will not be licked by Google bots. You can use CSS to Style them. Also if the Theme is Responsive, you must check how it looks by using our Responsive Testing Tool. The most important points are :
- Check your Webpage’s HTML Source for the code. It must give a solid output for optimized result.
- Sidebar Authorbox, probably gives a better result than below post, it is my “hypothesis” from my multiple blogs.
- Everyone knows the basics – the image must be the same in the Whole Internet, better not to change frequently, there must be proper linking etc.
- Do not write a thesis paper inside your Authorbox, keep it clean.
1 | <a href=""><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-30621" title="Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress" src="" alt="Authorbox or Author Info Box in WordPress" width="698" height="263" /></a>Screenshows that I have missed that missing Alt Tag. |
Info Box in WordPress and About Author URL
If there is mismatch of relative paths, you will get 404. About Author URL is very very important dynamic webpage and must not be cached by WP Super cache or WP Total Cache. Its very easy to understand what I am talking about – clicking the Author named hyperlink in byline on in around Author box gives an URL like this :
This is all about Authorbox or Author Info Box and Author Archeive in WordPress.