Open Source Free Health can make a Glucose Meter of few dollars, a Robotic Surgical unit of few hundred dollars. Overall burden of health is made by the brands. It is not that Open Source Free Health is my first brain child. Free Software Foundation is the cornerstone of any thought. There has been isolated thoughts, isolated developments on Open Source Free Health Products and instruments. But, it is matter of fact that I first thought the ways to get rid off the burden of closed source. There is not much difference between Safoni or da Vinci Surgical unit and Microsoft. The things are not only same, but more dangerous. All has vendor lock in to force to use their manufactured other product.
Open Source Free Health : The Current Developments as Open Source
Matt Mullenweg is the ideal single person to give the example, that Free Project or Open Source really works. Not only works, works far better than any closed source of the niche. vBulletin or XenForo is not only badly coded, as a web software they practically gives very less area to play. On the other hand, WordPress serves the purpose you want.
Various Text Books for the Medical Students are actually has been Copyleft, Gray’s Anatomy is the biggest example. Text Books adds a big cost for gaining the knowledge required by a doctor. The story of Pacemaker and the try to make it Open Source Free Health product is well known. But there are more unknown developments. For example, there has been a beta version of Glucose Monitoring instrument. You can read how Open Source Hardware can help in this process of development.
Open Source Free Health : Kill the Middleman
The virtual customer – seller relationship between a doctor and a ill human has been made by the middle man who actually makes a big money. The middle man obviously includes the medical insurance companies. People gets scared to get ill. It has not much difference with few hundred years ago when various communities used to abandon a diseased patient. The wrap is aristocrat and costly now.
If Cloud Computing can be made to few cents per hour for a few GB server, why the coldness of doctor-patient relationship can not be re-established. The barrier to reach me to treat your badly broken hand is the huge cost of the middle man. You need insurance and wait to get your hand being injured. Neither I actually earning a huge from you, nor you are getting an easy way to get healed.
You can search for a lap monitor, it will cost few thousands versus a normal LCD. There is only one difference. The difference is a simple packaging to resist fumigation. The quality is few hundred time poorer than less costly Apple’s monitor. Yes, Apple’s one is less costly than them. The easiest way is to place a normal monitor behind a glass wall. No head, no headache.
Open Source Free Health products sounds promising, it can really make the human healthy. But it need co-operation from the software developers. It is a time to be awaken, there is no reason to think that the software companies are not involving programmers to develop kind of Blue Brain project after few decades.