Recently I have discovered a no-code IoT platform named SirnicPro for Arduino, ESP32-based projects which offers almost everything the professional IoT devices allow. No-code platform means the Arduino sketch is automatically generated. Practically there is nothing to learn since everything is click, configure and generate.
This is kind of project is quite difficult to produce with a self-hosted MQTT server or PHP scripts, AWS IoT, Azure IoT, IBM Watson IoT etc and even with Arduino IoT Cloud. These are specialized IoT platforms to offer the customers the most commonly used features, such as adding a timer or monitoring the current consumption. There are certain disadvantages to these platforms. One of them is vendor lock-in, and another is the risk of getting hacked.
Sinric Pro uses several libraries and apart from automatic code generation, they provide a lot of working examples. You need to update your Arduino IDE and existing libraries to the latest version and install these 3 libraries :
ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon (Minimum Version 6.12.0)
WebSockets by Markus Sattler (minimum Version 2.3.5)
On this GitHub repo, you’ll get all the required documentation and examples:
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The biggest problem of the libraries is facing compilation errors. So, first, try to compile to test your setup. This can suck a lot of time. Here is a sample code for testing compilation and your project:
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"on" : "off"); int relayPIN = devices[deviceId].relayPIN; // get the relay pin for corresponding device digitalWrite(relayPIN, !state); // set the new relay state return true; } void handleFlipSwitches() { unsigned long actualMillis = millis(); // get actual millis for (auto &flipSwitch : flipSwitches) { // for each flipSwitch in flipSwitches map unsigned long lastFlipSwitchChange = flipSwitch.second.lastFlipSwitchChange; // get the timestamp when flipSwitch was pressed last time (used to debounce / limit events) if (actualMillis - lastFlipSwitchChange > DEBOUNCE_TIME) { // if time is > debounce time... int flipSwitchPIN = flipSwitch.first; // get the flipSwitch pin from configuration bool lastFlipSwitchState = flipSwitch.second.lastFlipSwitchState; // get the lastFlipSwitchState bool flipSwitchState = digitalRead(flipSwitchPIN); // read the current flipSwitch state if (flipSwitchState != lastFlipSwitchState) { // if the flipSwitchState has changed... #ifdef TACTILE_BUTTON if (flipSwitchState) { // if the tactile button is pressed #endif flipSwitch.second.lastFlipSwitchChange = actualMillis; // update lastFlipSwitchChange time String deviceId = flipSwitch.second.deviceId; // get the deviceId from config int relayPIN = devices[deviceId].relayPIN; // get the relayPIN from config bool newRelayState = !digitalRead(relayPIN); // set the new relay State digitalWrite(relayPIN, newRelayState); // set the trelay to the new state SinricProSwitch &mySwitch = SinricPro[deviceId]; // get Switch device from SinricPro mySwitch.sendPowerStateEvent(!newRelayState); // send the event #ifdef TACTILE_BUTTON } #endif flipSwitch.second.lastFlipSwitchState = flipSwitchState; // update lastFlipSwitchState } } } } void setupWiFi() { Serial.printf("\r\n[Wifi]: Connecting"); WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASS); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.printf("."); delay(250); } digitalWrite(wifiLed, HIGH); Serial.printf("connected!\r\n[WiFi]: IP-Address is %s\r\n", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()); } void setupSinricPro() { for (auto &device : devices) { const char *deviceId = device.first.c_str(); SinricProSwitch &mySwitch = SinricPro[deviceId]; mySwitch.onPowerState(onPowerState); } SinricPro.begin(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET); SinricPro.restoreDeviceStates(true); } void setup() { Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); pinMode(wifiLed, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(wifiLed, LOW); setupRelays(); setupFlipSwitches(); setupWiFi(); setupSinricPro(); } void loop() { SinricPro.handle(); handleFlipSwitches(); } |
When you will be able to compile, go to the Sirnic Pro website:
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Register yourself. It is free for 3 devices. After login, go to the Rooms
tab and create a room. Then go to the “Devices” tab and add your ESP32. After adding your ESP32 and the logic, you’ll find a Zero Code
button appearing beside the listed devices.
It is like a wizard to add logic. You’ll get the auto-generated Arduino sketch at the end of the wizard.
You can integrate Samsung SmartThings from the API Integrations tab. It is probably the easiest way to integrate Samsung SmartThings:
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That is it. You only add the relays, LED and pushbutton or piano switch looking checking the above sketch. Except for linking the login credentials, you have nothing to code.