With IoT, the lack of know-how is usually in specialized consultants rather than internal IT departments. According to a recent report, one in four of the companies surveyed have IoT apps that are currently in productive use and one in two want to increase their commitment by the end of this year. With many applications emerging soon and an expected many trillion dollar projected expenditure by 2030, it is clear that now is the time to invest in IoT.
Why the Tech Companies Need Experts in this Field
Various industry sectors will make use of IoT applications. Manufacturing industries want to automate their production, utilities are looking to enhance the maintenance of their systems, logistics companies hope to improve efficiency and brick-and-mortar stores want to better understand customer preferences through IoT infrastructures. Supermarkets can minimize defective food while also saving energy by utilizing IoT and temperature monitoring.
A positive outlook for industry and commerce has given way to more usage of IoT applications in the consumer market, but it’s difficult for companies to adopt. IoT solutions require in-depth knowledge, which is unfortunately not something most companies have. When working on a project, companies have to rely on consultants who have the necessary expertise.
If you are thinking about how to design an IoT solution, you need a plan for the orchestration of your system. With a number of bodies to keep in mind, including the networking and data processing needed at different levels of the system, one question that needs to be asked is: “How will this be used?” You must know what type of networking will work best at the sensor level. For example, if sensors are going to be placed in small spots, you want them close together so they can transmit data quickly. If a lot of sensors are in one place, not all senses would have to broadcast immediately.
Why Partners Matter
In the IoT sector, an advantage of being an IoT partner is being able to rely on the full spectrum of services. Services like cloud-based solutions and integration of different IT systems are essential for pulling data from a hub, resulting in a full range of services.
Adding ‘AI’ to the name of their company division is no coincidence. Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming more important in IOT solutions, as more and more components are becoming complex. It is important for these parts to be monitored correctly, which AI can provide.