The major reason people avoid it and install third party software is its slow start up time. Use this tweak to open any pdf file in Acrobat reader very fast. With our method, you can speed up your Acrobat reader up to 10x times faster. 1. Go to the installation folder of Acrobat Reader. For 32 bit version, go to: [crayon-64afacdd1d93d564415914/] For 64 bit … [Read more...]
Custom named shortcut for taskbar
Add Single Custom Named Shortcut for multiple Programs and Folders in the Taskbar in Windows 7, clicking it will make pop up of the shortcuts you have made, either to numerous programs, Folders, Websites...what ever you want.At the end of the tutorial, you will one like get this: You can create it in few easy steps: Step 1 Create a folder in a easy to remember … [Read more...]
Shadow under taskbar
The fix is provided by SweatyFish on devientART is called Taskbar Drop Shadow. Click here to download the Zipped file. You will get two exe files. The method is very easy, just copy either the bottom or top application file depending on where your taskbar is oriented. This is what SweatyFish says: " Made a simple app to add a drop shadow to your taskbar. One .exe for a taskbar on the … [Read more...]