Before the lockdown, I was building a basic smart doorbell with ESP32 and IBM Watson IoT. The function is easy and practical. We are adding a circuit with ESP32 to an existing battery-operated doorbell. When a person will press the doorbell, you will receive a push notification on your mobile phone. (Long back) I created a video of the basic prototype and uploaded it to YouTube and completely forgotten about it (I thought that I have published the total textual guide).
If you are a newbie to IBM Watson IoT platform, then please check my basic examples (you’ll get the codes on my GitHub repo). This is a slightly complex, multi-stage project.
Setup Your ESP32 Arduino
The basic of this part is our guide on sending a HTTP(S) POST Request to IBM Watson IoT on Button Press. This is the code/sketch which you’ll use after modification of the variables :
This article is about How to Interface/Connect Doorbell Switch with Arduino ESP32 Pushbutton.
Click here to view the full size illustration
Setup Node-RED on IBM Watson IoT Platform
This guide is on how to Replace Payload Message Sent by ESP32 to Text Email (IBM Watson IoT). This guide is for configuring Pushover to Use Android App for Push Notification.
This guide teaches you how to make things easy without becoming an expert on multiple things. The total thing if completely build from scratch is not closest to easy.
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