Previously we discussed about how to use a normal multimeter. This guide, Clamp Multimeter How To Use For Dummies is an illustrated guide on measuring current on a wire of a gadget. We have explained the working principle and buying guide too. So we have three parts in the next three parts under three subheaders – how to use, which to buy, how a clamp multimeter works. Clamp Multimeter has other names like a current clamp, current probe, clamp-on ammeter etc as it used a pair of the jaw which allow clamping around an electrical conductor to measure the current in a conductor without the need to make physical contact, unlike a normal multimeter. Our clamp Multimeter how to use for dummies is for use a conventional electronic clamp multimeter, which is commonly sold on any online website. Most such clamp meters have most of the functions of a normal digital multimeter too.
Clamp Multimeter : How To Use For Dummies
First, the electrical appliance’s wire you are going to measure needs removal before from the power source before applying the clamp. This step is for multiple reasons, one of them is – users are not electricians. The meter could be clamped around two or three conductors single-phase cables to provide a readout of the current flowing through the load with no need to separate the conductors. The wires which have double jackets, must be exposed to have only the wires (please see our illustration) – this is particularly applicable for an electrical appliance with higher wattage like a microwave oven which commonly has a ground pin and the jacket of the wire is too thick and usually, we can not separate the neutral wire. We need to clamp around the live wire. One need to set the dial selector on the clamp meter to the correct function and range, which is similar to a normal multimeter. Now, push the trigger to open the jaw and clamp it around the wire and close it. Thereafter connect the electrical appliance to a power source. The clamp should give a reading in seconds. Please read the manufacturer’s instruction booklet as the extra button names and functions can widely vary. Using the same clamp multimeter as a normal digital multimeter with probes has no special matter than from a normal digital multimeter.

Clamp Multimeter : How To Buy
Although our principle for DIY work is buying cheap Made in China stuffs, that buying cheap tricks is not great for the Clamp Multimeters. You can check the Amazon or other online website reviews. It is better to buy a standard company’s entry grade clamp multimeter as a cost-saving option.
Clamp Multimeter : How It Works
We are explaining basic physics. The current clamp is a split ring of soft iron with a coil wound on one or both halves forming a current transformer (CT). Transformer works only with AC voltage. We normally use meters that can measure both AC and DC, which is a modification of the basics. There is an effect named the Hall effect, which talks about the production of potential difference across an electrical conductor transverse to current in the conductor and a magnetic field perpendicular to the current. When the clamp multimeter is ‘clamped’ on a conductor, the conductor acts as primary and the magnetic flux due to the current flowing through the conductor cuts the secondary of the current transformer. The current is converted to voltage using a converter and the signal is fed to a microcontroller and display circuit for the current reading.
There is Hall effect current sensor for our DIY electronics works. That is a separate matter.
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